Chapter 28- Attack on Central City

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MacKenzie's POV

"Hey, SWAT's ready to roll whenever y'all are." Joe says, walking into the breach room. "We find Grodd yet?"

"We're about to." Barry says. "Cisco, you ready?"

"Harry, this thing, if it fries my brain..." Cisco trails off.

"'It's an improvement.'" Harry quotes.

"Was that Rocky?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, Burgess Meredith." Harry says.

"Yeah, I'm ready." CIsco says, laughing.

"Word of warning. Vibing blind, it's like surfing a monster wave. You need to stay above the temporal flow, otherwise your consciousness can get sucked under." Harry says and we all look at him. 

"And then what happens?" Caitlin asks.

"I don't know. Guess we'll find out." Harry says.

"Wait, what?" Cisco asks but Harry quickly sends him into the vibe.

"Where are you, Ramon? What do you see?" Harry asks Cisco.

"I'm at an intersection. State and Oakhill." Cisco says. "I think this is where it goes down."

"That's a block away from the bridge." Joe says. "That leads right to the heart of town.If those gorillas get over that bridge..."

"They'll overrun the city in no time." Harry finishes. 

"Not if we stop them first." Barry says.


Caitlin wouldn't let me go to help out Barry, Wally, and Jesse fight against the gorillas. I guess she was right though, my hands are still a little messed up.

Right now, I'm in the cortex, helping Cisco work on my new wrist protectors.

"Alright, Mack, give my your arms." Cisco says after a little while. We got word that Barry, Wally, Jesse, and Joe were on their way back. Whatever Grodd was planning was a distraction and they didn't get him.

Cisco tightens the protectors around my wrists.

"Woah." I say. My arms feel really weird. "Why do my arms feel like that?"

"It's healing tech." Cisco says. "It'll heal your arms until they're good. It's just like the dampener in your old protectors."

"Cool." I say.

"Yeah, so when your arms are healed, we just have to take the tech out and you're good to go." Cisco says.

"Okay." I say.

"Now, let's go, we've gotta go check on Joe." Cisco says.

Caitlin is fixing Joe's forehead when Cisco and I walk in.

"That damn gorilla almost got me this time." Joe says. 

"Shouldn't even have a scar." Caitlin tells him. 

"Do you remember anything from when Grodd was controlling you?" Harry asks.

"Not really." Joe says. "Just some flashes."

"Flashes of what?" Iris asks.

"They were, like, these images places I've never seen before. It was like I was seeing what he was seeing." Joe says. 

"Gypsy said the same thing." Cisco says. Harry walks forwards. "Uh-oh, here we go. I know that look. That's the 'I have a genius idea' look."

"A couple years back on my Earth, there was a neuroscientist that was able to achieve memory recovery using transcranial magnetic simulators on brain-damaged." Harry says.

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