Chapter 37- The Once and the Future Flash

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MacKenzie's POV

Ice gets shot at us and HR throws his body in front of me, covering my head and ducking down with me in his arms.

"We, uh we should go." HR says. 

"You think?" Cisco asks sarcastically.

"Yeah." HR says. He grabs me from the floor and scrambles out of the room with Cisco behind him. As soon as we're out of the room, he puts me down and the three of us duck behind the wall under the shattered glass window.

Killer Frost is talking to Julian and the three of us pop out from behind the wall.

"Mack, quake her!" HR yells to me.

I put my hands out in front of me but nothing happens.

"Mack!" Cisco yells. "She's gonna kill Julian!"

Killer Frost is about to kiss Julian.

"I can't!" I break, putting my hands down. "It's still Caitlin!"

Cisco shoots his vibes at her and she flies across the room. The three of us jump into the room and pull Julian out.

"Come on, come on!" HR says.

We all run into the pipeline ring and Cisco opens the steel door.

"What are you doing? " Julian asks Cisco.

"Buying us some time." Cisco says.

We all run into the pipeline and Cisco closes the door behind us. We sit with our backs against the steel door. 

"Swing low Sweet chariot..." HR sings.

"Coming for to carry me home..." Cisco joins in with HR.

"Shh!" Julian and I exclaim.

The steel door opens and we all turn around to see KF standing there.

"Hey, dummies. My palm scan still works." KF tells us. 

"I don't want to have to do this." Cisco says, putting his hands in front of him as we walk out. 

"I know you don't. But I do." KF says and she is about to shoot more ice at us. Then, Barry speeds in front of us. 

"Stop!" Barry yells, standing in between us and KF.

"Aw, come to save the day? Good, now I can get rid of you, too." KF says. 

Barry throws her into the back wall.

"Caitlin, you can fight this." Barry tells her. 

"I know. But I don't want to." KF says. She creates a wall of ice in the doorway so she can escape. Barry phases through and runs after her. 

"Anything?" Cisco asks through the comms.

"I searched the whole building. She's gone." Barry says.


We're in the cortex and we've all gathered around. 

"Hey, Julian, how about next time you decide to release my friend's inner ice demon, you do it sometime in July?" Cisco asks.

"I know you're not being serious." Julian says. "I was trying to save her life, Cisco."

"Iris was right. Even H.R. was right. We should've taken her to a hospital." Cisco says.

"Brilliant idea, yes." Julian says sarcastically. "Expose her meta-human status to the world. That would've been great, wouldn't it?"

"Hey, guess what? She's gonna do that anyway." Cisco argues. 

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