Chapter 18- The Present

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MacKenzie's POV

"Are you sure you're okay?" Iris asks Barry. We're all in the cortex, looking at the box in the middle.

"Still in one piece." Barry says.

"I don't know what happened." Cisco whispers.

"So now that the box is closed, Savitar's, what, gone for good?" Joe asks from next to me.

"I don't know, but we need to find out." Barry says. "Cisco? If we can't use this box, Julian, he may be our only link to Savitar now, right?"

"I think we can use both of them." Cisco says. "If Caitlin's right and this thing messes with brainwaves, then I have a plan."

Caitlin and Cisco grab my hands and we walk out, Barry and Iris following.


"So what am I doing here?" Julian asks, sitting in a chair in the speedlab.

"Okay, Julian, today when I was fighting Savitar, it... he and Alchemy, they had the same voice." Barry says.

"All right, what does that mean?" Julian asks.

"I don't think there is an Alchemy, I think it's Savitar speaking through you." Barry says.

"Savitar clearly possesses someone who rallies worshippers." Caitlin says.

"But he's like a poltergeist, he needs a medium to manifest himself." Cisco says.

"You." I say, looking up from fixing the machine I was told to build.

"Right, but what does that mean?" Julian asks.

"We think we figured out a way to sync your brain to the stone." Caitlin says.

"And it'll allow us to speak directly to Savitar." Cisco says.

"I thought..." Julian trails off.

"If you want to try to be free of this, you need to trust us." Barry says.

"I've never liked you, Allen." Julian says.

"Yeah." Barry says.

"Having a little séance with your friends now is not gonna help change that fact. You do know that." Julian says. "Fine, I'll try it."

"Is it ready?" Cisco asks me.

I adjust one last piece and hand him the machine to put on Julian's head.

"Hang on, you're going to strap a machine to my head that was made by a...a, what, a ten year old?" Julian asks.

"I'm twelve." I say.

"That's not helping." Julian points out.

"Just, deep breaths. Okay?" Cisco says, putting the machine on Julian's head.

"Yeah." Julian whispers and I go to stand in the middle of Iris and Barry.

"You're gonna count backwards from ten." Cisco says.

"Julian sighs and then starts.

"Te.." Julian says but he gets knocked out.

"That was quick." Cisco says.

"Okay, so, um, how long till this works?" Iris asks.

"Not really sure, it may take a minute for his brain waves..." Caitlin gets interrupted by Julian screaming awake. Barry pushes me behind him.

"Hello, Barry." Julian says with a deep voice. "It's been a while."

"Savitar?" Barry asks.

"None of you are on your knees." Savitar says through Julian. "It's a smart move to bow before a deity."

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