Chapter 12

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Caitlyn's POV:

Like a usual after school Tuesday, I stood outside by the wall waiting for Luke to get there so that we could go back to mine for tutoring. It confused me a bit when Luke walked from in front of me instead of behind. Behind me was the school doors where you have to walk out of to get out of school, but he was walking back through the gates as if he was already out there.

As if he was reading my thoughts, he said, "Got out early and went to stand with Calum and Michael."

I nodded my head in response and we started walking in silence.

"So are you okay?" I asked.

"What?" he asked me, looking as confused as I must of earlier.

"The other day. You were upset, I-" I started.

"I wasn't upset. Yes, I am okay." he said sharply.

"I was just asking." I told him, trying to defend myself.

"Yeah and I told you I'm okay. That conversation never happened." he told me.

"There's no need to-" I started before he cut me off again.

"I said leave it Caitlyn, God." he sighed.

So I did. I carried on walking next to him in silence. We walked past Calum and Michael and I ducked my head down while the three of them laughed, probably about me, I don't know.

"So, what have you been up to?" he asked me.

"Do you really care?" I accidentally said. I wasn't meant to say it, I was thinking it, and it must have just slipped out of my mouth.

He chuckled a bit before saying, "No not really, just making conversation."

"Oh, well, erm, no. Nothing. Oh, I went out with Ashton yesterday after school." I told him, smiling at the memory. Yesterday was probably one of my favourite days. As well as the day of mine and Ashton's date. They were both about equal, every time I think about either days, I smile.

"Your boyfriend." Luke said, as if he was stating it.

"No, Ashton isn't my boyfriend." I told him.

"Doesn't seem like it." he scoffed.

I rolled my eyes slightly, turning my head so that he wouldn't see, because if I'm honest, I never know if I can trust Luke. One minute, he can be so nice, and we can act as though we are friends, but other times he acts how he normally would; horrible.

When we got to the bus stop, I pulled my money out of my pocket ready for the bus to get here. Luke stood a bit further away from me, typing on his phone. A few minutes later, the bus pulled up. I stuck my arm out so that the bus would stop and then stepped on the bus. After asking for a ticket, I handed him the money and walked down a bit.

"Shit, Caitlyn I've forgotten my money." Luke told me.

"Here." I said, giving him £3.

"Thanks."  he mumbled, paying for his ticket.

There was nowhere to sit, so I settled with standing up and holding on. Luke stood next to me, on his phone again.

"I'll uh, pay you back tomorrow." Luke told me.

"Luke it's really no big deal. It's just £3." I assured him.

"But it's your money. I'll give it back tomorrow." he told me, leaving me no choice but to agree.


Luke and I walked through the front door to my house. The first thing I saw was a strange five year old girl with a toy in each hand staring at me.

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