Kiss 18

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Cherry's POV {shocking right}

"Lilly I'm bored let's get out of here. Sawyer and Aitana already left." I said whining wanting to leave really bad. I really don't like fancy people parties, they are so boring it is almost unbelievable. Almost.

"True, let's go" she finally answered standing up. I smiled and grabbed her hand racing to the car. I feel like going to a club but I know Lilly will want to go home and probably watch movies and eat nasty ice cream. I got in and Started the car for her.

"Where do you want to go?" Lilly said not even looking at me while she drove us away. I shrugged and turned the radio on popping 90s R&B on.

"Let's go hit a club Lil" I said smiling at her when she turned to look at me. She nodded and smiled making my jaw drop. Lilly actually wants to go to a club...with me.

"Damn" I whispered as she stopped at a stop sign. Checking the road, she started driving again when she spoke.

"Wait!! How about we take some more people with us" She screamed grabbing the wheel in some weird excitement way.

"Aitana and Sawyer are probably fucking Lilly" She laughed at my blunt answer and nodded. I shivered at the thought of my best friend and also sister even doing it with someone after six long ass years.

She is really a virgin to be honest now.

"I can't even think about her fucking someone though Cher" she whispered and looked like she was actually thinking about it. I laughed and pushed her lightly. She smiled.

"She is a-" I stopped speaking as a scream replaced my words.

{Third Person}

As Cherry started speaking, a car pushing it's way into Lilly's side of the car. Both girls screamed and Cherry grabbed Lilly over to her side protecting Lilly with her body to keep Lilly safe. They flipped and spun crazy until they fell in a ditch upside down. Cherry was in worse shape then Lilly but she pushed past that pain to look at Lilly as she almost lost her way.

"Cherry it hurts" Lilly whimpered holding her belly. She was scared for her friend who protected her during the whole thing.

"Cherry?" Lilly sat up and cried out in pain at her body. She climbed out the car slowly and looked for Cherry.

"Lilly!" Cherry's screamed making Lilly turn fast to the direction of her voice. Crying out in pain, Cherry laid in the on the little patch of water and was bleeding most than Lilly. Her head was covered in her blood and her dress was now ripped making her look like a dirty slut almost. Lilly slowly physically but fast mentally rushed to Cherry's side and looked for something to help her with.

"Cherry I got you" She whispered in tears. Pain was surrounding her whole body but she was pushing past it to help her friend.

"Lilly watch out!" Cherry screamed making Lilly confused. A big bang hit her head making her black out and fall out the ground next to Cherry. Cherry cried harder believing that she was dead. A man walked over to Cherry and picked her up gently and walked away from the scene. He pushed a needle into her body and Cherry black out.


two weeks Later

Cherry's POV

It was the same thing over and over again. I would wake up for the past week from the same dream of what happened that night. I don't know if Lilly is okay and I dont even know if she is alive. I been stuck in this weird looking room. It had dark grey walls, a small little toilet and a tiny mattress on the floor. No blanket, no pillow, no sink, and nothing. I only received food one day which was three days ago. It was just four pieces of bread and some milk with jello. I felt like I was in a jail cell almost.

Whoever it was that gave me the food didn't even walk in the room to hand it to me. They just opened a tiny little part of the door and dropped the food inside. I didn't eat it for the first few hours but then I couldn't wait and just ate it off the floor.

I cry myself to sleep every night, I don't know when it is even night or day because there are no windows in here. The worst part about all of this, is that I can't even fucking shower like what the fuck. I smell like my trash fart then shitted big ass shit on me then my dog did the same.

I begged and prayed for someone to let me out but I didn't get a response only a slam on the door if I got too loud. I cried so much last night, that now I have a headache.

"Come on" I heard as a door opened. I looked up with hope but realized its just a guard. He grabbed me by my arm and dragged me out the room. I felt so dizzy and couldn't breathe almost.

We walked down dark navy blue walls until we stopped at a red and black door making me frown. Red and black doors don't sound good. I gripped the guard's arm to get him to stop going toward that door but he just flicked me off.

"Go" he said as he pushed toward the door. I pouted and walked inside the door and closed it behind me. Turning around to look at what's inside, I prayed to God that I was dreaming and wasn't seeing what I was seeing.


Aitana's POV

"Sawyer I don't feel good" I groaned as I woke up. It has been two weeks since Lilly Accident. We still can't find Cherry and Lilly won't wake up. I'm so scared I don't know what to do. Freyah has to sleep with me because of how scared I am that something will happen to her. Sawyer asked me to move in with me for safety. He is scared something can happen to the both of us.

"What's wrong?" He said coming into the room with a tray of breakfast. It is 11am but I just woke up so its breakfast time for me.

"My tummy hurts" I spoke in my whining child voice. He frowned at my voice and put the tray on the nightstand before walking to me. I laid in the bed with my head off the bed. I look crazy.

"I'm sorry baby girl " he said kissing my forehead before going to get me medicine. I smiled at his caring mind and closed my eyes. I haven't been to work since everything has happened. Sawyer talked to my boss and everything is good.

I guess that's the good thing about boyfriends.

"No medicine okay I will be back" He said coming out the bathroom and put his shoes on. I nodded and kept my eyes closed. A few seconds later, I heard the front door close before I went to sleep again.


Knock knock

Groaning loudly, I got out the bed and went to the door cursing at whoever was behind that door. I been asleep for literally ten minutes. Opening the door, I looked at the person who was there not giving a fuck. I could barely see because of how dizzy I am from just walking to this door. I focused on the person more as my vision came back.


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