Kiss 28

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A month Later

Aitana's POV

Hearing the ding sound and the elevators open, I walked out and straight down the hall way. I smiled and held my purse tight. I kissed my teeth and knocked on the door softly.

"Who is it I'm busy?" The voice I was waiting for asked making me lean against the wall and wait.

"I said who is-" He said opening the door but stopping when he saw it was me. I smirked and waved.

"You could have said it was you love" Sawyer said kissing my cheek. I laughed and shrugged.

"What's the fun in that"

"Come on Baby girl" He said chuckling. I smiled and took his hand walking inside his office. He closed the door and locked it making me smirk and bit my lip. Wrapping his arms around me from behind, I felt him brush his nose on my neck making me giggle.

"I know you just saw me this morning but I wanted to go eat for lunch" I said turning in his arms.

"Are you busy because we can do it for another day" I continued not wanting to interrupt him from working. He shook his head and grabbed his suit jacket before walking back over to me.

"Let's go baby I would love to go to lunch even though what I want to eat is in your pants." He whispered in my ear making me want to clench my legs close. He laughed at my reaction and put his on my back leading me to the door.

"Maybe for dessert daddy" I said looking up at him before winking and walking to the elevator. I almost laughed at his shock face but didn't. He stood there for a few seconds before hurrying after me.

"Damn you babe damn you" He said readjusting his pants as the elevator doors closed. I laughed and kissed his lips softly. He backed me into the wall of the elevator and placed soft kisses on my neck.

"Why go out when we can stay here baby" he said in a husky voice making me giggle and shake my head. He groaned and readjusted him again before walking out the elevator when it opened.

"Where u want to go baby?" He asked getting in his SUV after helping me in. I thought for a minute and bit my lip.

"Can we just go get some fast food then go to the park to eat?" I asked craving KFC I been craving it all day too. I been getting weird craving all week. Christmas was coming in a month and I was so excited. I already know what I'm getting Sawyer though I just hope he likes it.

"Where is Freyah?" He asked after saying yes to where I wanted to go.

"Lilly wanted to take Aria and Frey out for some aunt bonding" I said looking over at him as he drove. He nodded and yawned. I noticed the bags under his eyes making me frown. He had a new project going on that I didn't know about but it was keeping him at the office all night and day.

He only came home two days a week. Monday's and Friday's. He could come and spend lunch with me every day. On Wednesday's and Thursday he come home to change clothes and spend breakfast with me. It was a routine now and it killed me. He told me that the project was for me and that I would love it so I trusted him but I was also scared.

"Babe how long until you have to go back to work?" I asked playing with his hand that wasn't on the wheel. He looked at the clock and thought for a minute.

"I can stay out for about two and a half hours why?" He asked looking over at me as he pulled up into the drive-thru of KFC.

"Welcome to KFC, what would you like" A man asked over the intercom.

"A $5 fill up box of two thighs the side being Mac and cheese with a bottle of water" I whispered to Sawyer making him nod and repeat that to the man. Sawyer gave him what he wanted and the man gave us the total.

"Sawyer when we get to the park I want you to go to sleep after you eat. Don't fight me on this because I know you are tired and I need you to rest before you go back to work. I will wake you up when it's time to go okay just please" I said almost begging him to listen to me. He is stubborn and he knows that. He looked at me after grabbing our food and nodded making me smile.

"Okay love if it will make you happy"

"Yay even though you couldn't have said no anyway" I said with a sigh before eating my food.

Finally food.

"Women" Sawyer muttered under his breath before waving at the man and driving off. I slowly put my chicken back in the box before setting it on the floor. Turning to my boyfriend, I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Pull over"

"Aitana stop no"

"Pull.Over.Now" I said slowing down over each word sending him a glare daring him to fight with me on this. He sighed and pulled over putting the car in park.

"What did you say to me?"


"When I said you wasn't going to be able to say no"

"Oh nothing" he said shrugging.

"What did you say Sawyer" I asked one more time trying not to lash out at him.

"I said Women" he said rolling his eyes.

Did he just roll his eyes at me?


"Oh so you want to say women to me like we are so bad" I said throwing my arms up in the air. He looked at me like I was crazy and shrugged. I swear to God...

"Don't you fucking shrug your shoulders at me Sawyer you better change that look as well" I said before getting out the car. I heard his yells for me to come back but I didn't listen only walked away. I placed my hand on my stomach as I walked. I cursed and walked back to the car.

"Forgot this" I said before grabbing my bag of food.

"You sleeping on the couch tonight" I said throwing my shoe at him before walking away again holding my stomach and food.

God give me the strength...


So um I know some of you have questions to why Aitana was acting like that but you guys will find out in the next few chapters.

Some of you can probably tell what was going to happen soon so...



Anyway love you guys hope you likes this chapter.

Thoughts? Feelings? Concerns?

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