Kiss 1

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They say being a mother is one of the hardest jobs known to man. They're right.

When I found out I was pregnant all those years ago, I thought it would be a piece of cake. I'm not stupid though. I knew there would be challenges of course to raising a child, especially by yourself, but I still had hope that it wouldn't be as hard as people say.

I was wrong.

Sure everyone has those days where everything pretty much goes well. Your kid is happy and you don't have any issues except the usual normal chaos that comes with having a child.

But, there is also those days that make you want to rip your hair out. Those days were you honestly want to crawl in your bed and never get out. Being a struggling single parent causes you to feel those days more than people might think.

Of course I love my child. She is my pride and joy. I don't regret her and never will. She means the world to me and nothing can change that. I will always be happy to be her mother no matter how hard the days may get or how frustrated she may make me feel when she doesn't listen.

She is my life.

"Freyah Raven Daniels!! You better get back here and clean this mess up!" I yelled at my six year old daughter who ran away from me, giggling crazy.

I shook my head and crossed my arms looking at mess she made in the living room. Toys were spilled everywhere and a broken flower pot laid on the floor next to my bare feet.

I swear this child makes me want to scream sometimes.

This always happens almost everyday with little Frey. I go and let her in the living room to play then come back to her toys everywhere and her running away from me while I yelled at her. It was funny in the beginning but now I couldn't stand it.

"Mommy! Hide and seek" Baby girl screamed followed by a giggle. I smiled and went and looked for her throughout the house. I checked in her room and looked through her princess castle room.

That someone at my church was happy enough to build for little Freyah. God knows that I wouldn't be able to pay nor build something like this.

I heard a soft giggle coming from the closet and smiled

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I heard a soft giggle coming from the closet and smiled. I tiptoed toward the closet and opened the door. I smiled and picked her up causing her to squeal.

"Mommyyy" she yelled as she laughed adorably while I tickled her little sides. Kissing her beautiful cheeks and lead her to the kitchen.

"Go pick up those toys Frey" I said putting her down watching her nod and run to do what I said. I nodded and continued to fix us lunch. Bacon cheese rolls. Fixing the food on a plate, I placed the plate on the table and cleaned up.

People always expect mothers to be the people who are suppose to have it all together but what they fail to realize is that mothers are the few people who never truly have it together

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People always expect mothers to be the people who are suppose to have it all together but what they fail to realize is that mothers are the few people who never truly have it together. Yes we may portray ourselves as well put together individuals but mothers are secretly the most discombobulated humans you would have ever met.

We have to make sure we look strong and put together for our children.

People seem to forget that a child is more observant than they seem. They watch and follow your every move no matter what you may think. Which is why children repeat what their parents or siblings may say, or why they will grow up with the same habits as the person they have been around.

"Frey come on time to eat" I yelled and pour some apple juice for her; placing it on the table next to the food. I heard a small giggle before I watch her run into the room. She sat at the table and smiled at me whispering a thank you. I smiled back before going to my room, once I made sure she was alright.

Grabbing my laptop, I looked at vacation spots to take Freyah to for her birthday. I been saving up to make it a special day for her. I always try and make her birthdays great in the best way I can. I may be on the side of poor life, but I always try to make sure she is always happy.

Even if it costs me more than I can afford sometimes.

"Mommy can we go to the park? Pretty please" Freyah came running into the room before jumping on the bed. I smiled and picked her up kissing her cheek.

"Did you clean up your spot?" I ask her.

"Yes mommy"

"Then of course baby girl" I said standing up as I closed my laptop. She screamed yes and ran out probably to put her shoes on. Putting my shoes on, I walked to the front door grabbing my phone and purse.

"Come on baby" I said grabbing her hand and walked her to the car after locking the front door.


"Frenchy come here" I said talking to my dog as I sat on my couch. I sighed as he came laying at my feet. I smiled and rubbed behind his ears.

"He is so pretty S but why did you name him frenchy" My friend, Jr said looking at French. I frowned at the thought of why I named him that. I looked up at Jr and sighed.

"I named him that I think because when I bought him we went to this french place that allowed dogs. He was staring at this french food and I don't know. I just thought of this of that name and went with it." I said shrugging as I picked up Frenchy.

I probably should change it.

Jr has been my friend since we were both five years old. Our parents sent us up with a play date. Ever since that day, we always were with each other hanging out. I remember when our other friends use to think we was gay and dating each other. For a year, I had to try my best to convince them that we were not gay.

It is very annoying might I add.

"Damn man well he is cute but I have to go. I got a girl waiting for me" J said as he stood up from his spot next to me. I nodded and got up grabbing French's leash as I followed him to the door.

"Since you leaving, I will take French to the park I guess." I mumbled as I walked out the door with French tail continuously hitting the back of my leg. I rolled my eyes and picked him up putting his leash on before putting him back down.

"How about going to the park yea?" I said talking to frenchy, even though I'm sure he doesn't even know what I'm saying.

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