Kiss 15

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Third Person

No words, No mumbles, Nothing. The room was silent as Chris, Lilly's husband and Aitana watched Sawyer as he stared at his sister on that uncomfortable bed. The kids didn't even dare to speak, even though they didnt understand most of what is happening. Aitana was worried for Chris, Chris was worried for Sawyer. Sawyer was worried for Aitana

Freyah was just worried for when she was going to finally get a cookie.

Aria was worried for her mommy.

"How did this happen?" Sawyer whispered out as he continued to stare at his sister. Chris sighed loudly making Sawyer's head snap to Chris. Chris wouldn't look at him though.

"There was an car accident when Cherry and Lilly were driving back to our house. Lilly was driving and Cherry was in the passenger seat." He finally responded.


She was here...

oh my fruitywhales...fml

"Where is Cherry?" I asked looking at Chris. He looked at me then looked at Sawyer.

"Her body wasn't found" Chris whispered as he looked at the kids. I frowned and Sawyer looked at me knowing excatly what I was thinking. I started breathing loudly, panting. Sawyer took a step away from Lilly and walked to me.

He grabbed my arms and hugged me but I pushed him away. Grabbing Freyah's hand, I walked out of the room carrying her on my hip. Sawyer followed me but I started walking faster but turning into running speed. I slammed the hospital doors open and walked outside.

Her body was not found.

Her body wasn't found.

Cherry wasn't found.

Cherry isn't here.

Where is she?

"Baby girl wait" Sawyer yelled as he grabbed my hand and spun me around being careful of Freyah in my arms. He picked her up and she laid her head on his shoulder, clearly tired.

"She is like a sister to me. We have known each other forever. I can't l-lose h-her Sawyer I c-cant" I cried breaking down in his chest. He wrapped his other arm, that wasn't on Freyah, around me and whispered sweet love to me.

"Shush I will find her for you I promise" He whispered kissing my forehead. I nodded and hiccupped from all the crying I have done today. I started getting a headache and a little dizzy.

"Come on how about we go to my house and lay down okay?" He asked taking my hand before walking to his limo without even waiting for my answer. As soon as we go inside, my body shut down on the limo seat and I fell asleep.


"Aitana come on sweetie" Nana said in her angel-like voice. She picked my five year old self up and kissed both of my cheeks.

Nana, my adopted grandma, always came over for the holidays to vist the Daniels family. She liked me more than all of them which made Daisy very angry and jealous. I guess she was favorite before me.

"Nunu" I squeaked as I pinched her old cheeks making her smile a big smile. She kissed me on my pink lips and walked away with me on her right hip.

"Mama put the child down" Mrs. Daniels said picking me out of Nana arms and setting me down on the floor. Mrs and Mr. Daniels never pick me up and they hate when people do.

"Calm down she isn't going to die if I pick her up"

"No she won't but she has germs and then you will receive it mother"

"Oh goodness child shush up" Nana said to Mrs.Daniels before picking me up again and setting my small body on her hip. I laid my head on her shoulder and she cuddled me with the best of her abilities.

Mrs.Daniels was so angry, I thought her face was as red as my bum when she whoops me.

I frown when Mrs.Daniels grabbed me off Nana and sat me on the floor so hard, I began to cry. Nana quickly picked me up again after glaring at Mrs.Daniels. I sucked on my thumb slowly stopping my cries and laid my head on her shoulder.

"Mama put that child down. It has no manners" Mrs.Daniels said with so much angry in her voice.




"Fine then" Grabbing me out Nana's arms, Mrs.Daniels walked me to my room and shut the door in my face. I screamed out a cry and cried for almost two hours. Nana and Mrs.Daniels kept fighting outside my door. No one came and helped me. I cried on and cried until my throat started to hurt.


Aitana's POV

I woke up from my dream and sighed. Sawyer's arms were wrapped around me. We were at his house I think. Everything was black. I sighed and laid my head back on his chest and fell back asleep.

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