Kiss 29

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Dedicated to butta997  for voting and commenting on my book. Thank you so much!

Aitana's POV

"Aitana can-"

"Go to sleep Sawyer" I whispered before sighing and laying with him. I have been ignoring him for the past ten minutes since him saying women. He sighed and nodded turning away to go to sleep. I sighed as well and grabbed my fluffy blanket throwing it on him. He thanked me and went to sleep quickly.

What to do? So bored...

I decided to clean up the house some. I know we have maids but I'm bored, plus they deserve a break. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I started the ingredients to make some food for later.


I made some green beans,mashed potatoes, and rolls with chicken breasts. Sawyer was still asleep so I decided to wash the dishes and the kitchen while I was here. I packed up a plate for Sawyer when he went back to work after he woke up. Wiping the counter with a wet rag, I hummed softly a tune from a song I couldn't remember the name of.

"Oh Ma'am you don't have to do that" The maid, Allison, said as she walked into the kitchen when I was halfway done. I shook my head and sent her a smile.

"I'm already done anyway I might as well get it over with. You guys should take a break sometimes." I said sending her another smile. She sent me a thank you smile yet frowned before nodding. She let out a soft thank you before walking out the room. A few seconds later she walked in with a broom.

"You cleaned the dishes and counter I will do the floor. You should get to back to Mister" She said before waving her hand for me to leave. I laughed and kissed her cheek before leaving. I yawned and walked up the stairs. Going to Sawyer and I room, I walked quietly inside to see him still sleeping while cuddling a pillow.

I checked the time and sighed. He looked so peaceful, I don't want to wake him up. Rubbing my eyes as I started to get tired, I walked over to his side of the bed. Shaking him softly, I waited for him to awake.

"Sawyer it's time to go back to work" I whispered in his ear. He waved me off and turned away making me roll my eyes.

Such a baby, My baby at least.

"Baby come on you wanted me to get you up and I am so get up" I said shaking him some more.

"No" he mumbled not moving or opening his eyes. I sighed and walked away going downstairs.

"Men" I mumbled and grabbed a water bottle. I sighed and walked upstairs again. He was still in the same spot.

"Babe if you don't get up right now I will never let you touch me ever again" I growled making me shoot up from his bed.


"Baby don't you ever say shit like that again or I will personally tie you up and fuck you until you change your mind" He said running his hands through his hair. I sighed now turned on before kissing his lips.

"I'll like to see you try" I threatened before walking away to leave him to get dress. He groaned but didn't follow me. I bit my lip and put a tank top on and some sweatpants.

"Babe I'm leaving now" Sawyer yelled. I followed his voice and found him by the door looking at his phone. I pulled his hand and stepped on my tippy toes to kiss his lips.

"Bye honey" I whispered making him smile and hold on to my hips.

"I feel like we are married when you say it like that" he mumbled kissing me again. I moaned and ran my hands through his hair tugging at the ends making him groan loud.

"Baby you should go before you be late" I whispered pulling away. He groaned and nodded kissing my forehead. He left quickly and got in his car to drive back to the office. I watched after him with a smile on my face.

Bitting my finger, I smiled and went to grabbed my purse. Throwing my leather jacket on, I grabbed my phone and walked to my car. Turning the radio on, I sang to the 90s movie as I drove down the road. I wondered what it is like to be a house wife.

Would Sawyer even marry me?

I frowned as I thought while I drove. I shrugged to myself and stopped at a red light. My phone rang as I waited for the light to turn green.

"Aitana?!" Lilly's voice yelled into the phone as I answered it. Jesus woman my ears!

"Yes ma'am"

"Do you want to hang out with Cherry and me tonight. I was in the mood to go to a club." She said before coughing. I bit my lip and sighed as I thought of a answer.

"Sure" I whispered feeling the need for a girls night.

"Yay and we can make the boys babysit because girrrlllll I need a break from children and men all together"Lilly screamed through the phone making me burst out laughing. I can relate to be honest. I love Freyah but when you are a single mother of a six year old, it can be crazy and overwhelming.

"You and Cherry can come over tonight at maybe 6 and we can leave at 9 if you want" I said thinking about it.

"Yes I'll see you then love you!" She said before quickly hanging up. I smiled at my phone and yawned. I'm getting lazier and lazier by the day with all this sleep I be getting. I sleep a lot when Sawyer is at work I don't know why. I parked my car in the Starbucks parking lot and texted Sawyer quick.

Baby Girl: I'm going out with Cherry and Lilly tonight

Baby: Where?

Baby girl: Just a club probably Seven

Baby:No you are staying home.

Baby girl: Sawyer not today okay

Baby:I said No

Baby girl: I said I'm going

Baby girl: Don't start Sawyer

Baby: I don't care what you said I said no

Baby girl: WELLLL I don't care what you said I SAID IM GOING

Baby: we will discuss this when I get home

Baby girl: I'm going and you can't do a goddamn thing about it. You and Chris are watching the kids and that is end of discussion so deal with it and shut the hell up.

I sighed at the last text I sent and got out the car. Putting my headphones in my ears I sighed again.

90s music please save me.

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated.

I will try and update again tomorrow but I'm not sure yet.




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