Kiss 19

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Atiana's POV

Two weeks I spent looking for her with Sawyer and she is now at my front door. She looked so dirt and almost like she was trash. Covering my mouth in shock, I grabbed my phone to call Sawyer at the great news.

My sister was back.

Cherry was back.

Running to her, I tackled her to the ground and hugged the life out of her. She laughed and hugged me back after groaning a few times. I hurried off her remembering that she could be in pain.

"I'm so sorry oh my forks" I semi-yelled helping her up.

"It's fine but Aitana we need to talk" she said as her face grew serious. I nodded and pulled her inside and into the living room.

Cherry's POV

I turned around after closing the door. The room was all pink and sprinkles. I frowned and pouted. I was honestly thinking that it would be something way worse. A cough was heard next to me making me jump and trip on the floor.

"I'm sorry! Shit" A female voice screamed making me growl in pain. I want to go home now woman!

"Hello I'm sorry about that but my name is Marilyn. " the girl said as I stood back up with her help. I nodded and rolled my eyes ready to go home.

"When can I leave?" I asked looking at her finally. She bit her lip almost like she pretending to think. I rolled my eyes and looked around the room again.

"You are here as for business for me and my mate." She said with a small shrug and bite her lip. I sighed big waiting for her to just continue with the story I know she has. She took a seat in a pink desk seat and nodded for me to sit in front of her. I sat down and waited for to finish things.

"You are here as what you call as bait. Aitana is like a sister to you am I right?" She said looking at her nails. I didn't answer but just watched her.

" You mean a lot to Aitana well Aitana means a lot to Sawyer and Sawyer means a lot to me at the moment." She continued finally looking at me. I rolled my eyes and nodded with a shrug. She smiled a fake smile I was tired of seeing from people.

"What does Sawyer mean to you" I asked after a moment or two of silence. She smiled big again before biting her lip.

"Bitch if you don't fucking answer me" I said losing my patience. I was getting tired of all of this. I may have been scared a few minutes before but now I'm just angry. She bit her lip at my words.It must be a habit of hers. I don't really care I just need answers. She shrugged before slapping me. Hard. I fell to the ground at the force of her slap. My cheek started to ring as pain started to sink in. I groaned and walked to her but she stopped me by kicking me back down to the floor.

I swear to God I will hurt this bitch if I wasn't so tired,hungry and weak right now.

Nope that's a lie.

She looks like a serial killer I would probably get killed by even looking at her the wrong way.

I only stood up and walked to the seat she made me sit in earlier. I sat down and she smirked from her seat. I rolled my eyes and didn't look at her.

"Do not roll your ugly disgusting eyes at me Cassandra" She said grabbing my chin to make me face her. I groaned at her saying my full name. Bitch just take me home. I feel like I'm too calm in this situation that I am in. I pushed her away and sighed.

If she wasn't the one who kidnapped me, I would date her. I like my woman feisty.

Wait stop Cherry shush!

"Sawyer is a problem in a system that I need to fix" she said standing up again. I frowned at her barely said answer. I stood up as well and watched as she walked to the door and opened it before looking at me. I looked at her confusion making her point as a way for her to tell me to leave.

I sighed and walked out going to the guard who bought me here. I just want to go home but these son of bitches kept playing games. He took me to a grey door and pushed it open for me. I frowned at the light shinning and hurting my eyes before turning away. The guard turned me back around and pushed me into the light.

I thought I was going into heaven to see God for a moment.

I wish.

Wait no because then I would dead.

"Wait that doesn't even make sense why am I being set here" I asked the guard. He didn't answer but Marilyn came into sight making me frown.

"Bye bitches!" I yelled with great confidence. The guard growled.

Weird. He must be horny...

I know I am...

Shush Cherry!!

"Tell Sawyer that I will be seeing him soon" she smiled making me shiver and hurry down the alleyway.


Aitana's POV

I listened as she told her story and I felt my cries building. Tears filled my eyes before sobs came out of my mouth. She started to cry with me and I pulled her into a hug. My best friend went through things I couldn't help her with. I found it weird how they just let her go and didn't torture her really.

Little KissesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora