Actual Disney au Pt. 5

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And the finale begins....
3rd Person POV
Cas's World
Dick had been keeping Castiel locked in the basement ever since he 'saved' him from the Beast. Cas had barely enough water and very little food.

It had been three weeks. Dick said they were going to be married in a month right after he took Cas. Castiel cried every time he thought about it.

Dick opened the door, and Castiel heard his heavy footsteps come down the stairs.

"Good news Castiel! The wedding is happening a week early! You're going to be my bride!"

Castiel shook his head in protest. "Please, Dick, please, don't make me do this."

Dick grabs Castiel's arm and he yelps in pain.

"You will marry me Castiel," he starts dragging him up the stairs, ignoring the screams of pain and tears coming from him. "Or else terrible things will happen."

He leaves Castiel lying on the floor, and he walks away laughing.

"Get ready Castiel! Wedding is in an hour!"

Sam's World
Azazeal dragged Sam through the tunnels, and rolls his eyes as he hears the boy cry. He stops and makes Sam sit against the wall. He loosens the gag and puts it around Sam's neck.

"Darling, I know it hurts. The first boy you've ever thought you care about abandoned you,"

"You murdered him!" Sam snaps.

"Shh, it's ok. We're going to go and have a good life," He readjusts the gag. "Where you'll never escape again."

Lucifer's world
Lucifer laid down on his bed in the ship. He had decided to go after Asmodeus, to make him pay for killing Micheal. So he's been at sea ever since, watching for signs of that bastard.

His life now has little meaning. He didn't know what he would do after he found the sea witch. There was no way he would ever marry again.  He would have no heir for the kingdom.

He would be a failure. He lets the ship rock him to sleep, as he dreamed of a brighter future, as it had stemmed from a better past.

Adam's World
He only had one night with the boy, one magical night with Samandriel.

But it changed his entire life forever.

He used to be a happy, jovial prince. Now he spent his days aimlessly wandering the castle, dull and emotionless. He hated what he had become, but who could blame him?

His love died in his arms, the day before they would have been wed.

Supernatural World
Metatron smiled as he lifted his pen from the last page. His new ink mixed with angel grace forced people into his stories. He had just forced the Winchester's and all other threats to his power into these old fairytales.

And now they would be suffering for all eternity.


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