Mermaid/Potc AU

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Apparently I REALLY like AU's
Dean's POV
I wake up on my rocky bed and immediately stretch. I swim out of my room and find my little brother Sammy. He's in the meeting room with Benny and our father. I knock.

"Come in Dean."

They're have plans laid out. Plans to attack a ship. I look at Sam, and he looks back at me, sorrowful. We weren't viscous like the rest of our kind. We don't want to kill humans. But we have to. To survive. Dad and Benny continue to discuss, ignoring us, until dad finally speaks.

"Boys why don't you go find us some food. I'm starving."

"Yes father." We say in unison.

We swim up towards the surface.

"This is ridiculous! We don't need human blood to live! Why can't everyone just suck fish blood or something?!? We get off on that!" Sam says.

I sigh. "I don't know Sam. I just don't know."

As we near the shore we hear a girl singing. I perk out of the water and see a young woman brushing her hair.

"Do we have too?" Sam asks, pleading the answer to be no.

"Unfortunately, yes." I say.

He sighs.

"But I'll do it."

He gives me a terrified smile. "Thanks Dean."

I lurk up, and I sing along with the girl. She seems to ignore me for a moment. But only a moment. That's he difference between men and women. Men are more susceptible to our charms. I come close to her, so close that our lips are almost touching.

"Hi. I'm dean." I say.

She giggles. "Carmen."

I laugh along with her. We talk for a little while, all the while I use my charm.

"Can I.. can I kiss you?" She asks.

I nod. I pull her into the kiss, and pull her under the water, keeping my lips pressed against her. She died in a matter of seconds. I bring her lifeless body back with us, and throw her on their planning table.

"There's your breakfast." I mutter.

They devour her. All that's left are her bones, which are just cleared away.

"Thank you boys. Now tonight you're going to help us with a raid." Dad says.

That night, a ship of men come out. It's a small ship, but a ship none the less. Benny goes up first, singing to them. Then he attacks, and an all out war wages. I go up there, but I don't fight. Sam comes face to face with a man I swear I recognize, and he slaps him.

"That's what you get for leaving me!" Sam whines, and goes back to the ocean.

And then I recognize the man. Captain Gabriel Novak. He and Sam used to date. He was really pissed when Gabe left him. I try to swim after him, but my tail gets stabbed. I look at who did it. A man with raven hair and blue eyes, as blue as the sea. He immediately pulls the sword out, and I try to swim away, but men grab me. They put me in a glass bin full of water.

"Good job Castiel!"

Cas's POV
The merman look me in the eyes. I see so much hurt and pain in those beautiful green eyes, that I have to let him go. Unfortunately two others grab him. They place him in the glass bin, and force me to help carry it.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to him.

He looks at me, and I somehow know he doesn't blame me for this.

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