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Because I can. :)
Sherlock's POV
"Rosie, can you and Hamish come set the table?" John calls.

"Yes Papa." They say in unison.

Rosie and Hamish rush out, Rosie's long blonde hair flowing behind them. I chuckle from my position on the couch. They set the table and John puts out the food, and then we all hear a scream.

"Mrs. Hudson!" I call.

I rush down the stairs, and John tries to follow me.

"No, John, stay with the children." I say.

He nods and rushes back upstairs.

"Mrs. Hudson!"

I rush down too her and see her knocked out, a woman standing over her.

"Hello Sherlock,"

I recognize her, and my eyes flash black.

"Get out, Abbadon." I say.

She laughs. "Sherly Sherly Sherly,"

Her eyes become black pits. "You know I can't do that."

I try to rush for her, but I'm stuck in my place. She laughs and points up. Devil's trap. She goes upstairs, and I one of the last things I hear is the screams of my daughter, and then everything is silent.

Dean's POV
"Cas, we cannot get all those burgers!"

"Then we're not going to get all those pies Dean."

"Fine Cas."

We walk out to the Impala and there's a little boy passed out on the hood. I rush to him and try to wake him up. When I do he's gasping for air.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm not supposed to tell my name to strangers," he says with a British accent.

"I don't think you have much of a choice." Cas says.

"Alright, my name is Hamish Watson-Holmes. Where's Rosie?!? I want to see my sister! I need to see my sister!"

"Listen, we don't know where your sister is, but do you know where your parents live?" Cas asks.

"221b Baker Street, in London."

Cas and I look at each other.

"What?" Banish asks.

"You're a long way from home kid." I say.

The Doctor's POV
"Come on Clara! We have to get there before it happens!" I say, driving the TARDIS violently.

"Before what happens?" She asks.

"Before Rosie Watson-Holmes becomes Queen of Hell!"


I stop the TARDIS and explain.

"In the year 2017 Rosie Watson-Holmes and her brother Hamish are stolen from their home in England. Rosie is dragged down to hell, after a deal she made to save her little brother. Her brother is raised to be a hunter and ends up killing her and doesn't know until their fathers find him, and then he destroys himself! We've got to stop that and now it may be too late!"

When we arrive, we land smack dab at their battle.

"Oh boy," Clara says.

Hamish is holding the legendary Colt to his sisters heart.

"You killed my parents. You killed Dean and Cas! You killed Sam! And for what, do you could rule hell!?!"

Rosie's eyes turn black and she laughs.

One shots: Supernatural styleWhere stories live. Discover now