Time for Tales

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Requested by Jessie__Winchester
Dean's POV
We're driving to the werewolf's place, having finally getting her location. When we get there the door was already in, so the three of us just walk right in, to see the werewolf, silver blade in her chest. There's another girl, simply sitting there.

"Winchesters. How nice of you to show up." Her eyes go back, and then the demon leaves the girl.

Sam rushes over to the unconscious woman and feels for a pulse.

"She's still alive Dean." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"The demon left the girl alive, but she's fading fast. We have to get her to a hospital!"

Sam picks her up and rushes her back to the Impala. For some reason Cas lingers in the kitchen.

"Come on you idiot!" I yell.

He follows, and then we dive the girl to the hospital. The ER admits her, and Sam insists we stay until she wakes up.

"Who...who are you?" She asks when she wakes up.

"Dean Winchester. This is my brother Sam, that over there's Cas. Who are you?"

"My name's y/n...." she says.

"Well y/n, do you know where you are? You know where you live?"

She panics. "No... the demon... it, it did something with my head.... I don't know how to get home..... I don't know where home is!"

"Hey hey hey, it's alright, we'll take care of you."

*some time later*

Y/N and I are in the kitchen, washing dishes, when I feel something wet hit my neck.

I turn around, and she's giggling.

"Y/n!" I say.

She just laughs, and so I take some of the soapy dishwater and splash her.

"Dean!" She screams.

We end up splashing each other with the water and laughing.

"Dean, what do you think you're doing?"

We look up and there's Sam, and he does not look happy.

"What, a man can't splash water around?" I say.

He rolls his eyes and throws me a mop. "Well you're cleaning it up."

Y/N laughs. "Sucker."

Sam throws a rag at her. "You too."

"Aw! Sammy!"

He just rolls his eyes and walks away.

Rob's POV
"Jensen you're a better than the actual writers." Jared jokes.

"Thanks buddy." Jensen says.

I'm walking with them to our next scene, which I really weird since there's a big hight difference.

"Yeah, he's pretty good, but you should hear mine," I say.

They groan. "Rob, not another story about Richard doing something stupid,"

"But those stories are awesome!" I whine.


One shots: Supernatural styleWhere stories live. Discover now