Somebody that I used to know

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Requested by Jessie__Winchester enjoy! Oh also this is a continuation of Tragedy and Can't let you down.
Ellie's POV
"Miss Winchester, it's time to go."

A nurse comes to take me away.

"Alright, goodbye Cas. I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

Cas nods and takes my hand for a second. I put my other one over it.

"Miss Winchester,"

"I get it. I have to go. I'm not an idiot, but you're a bitch." I snap.

She looks taken aback by my comment. I kiss Cas on the cheek and leave. I had the Impala fixed, so I drive that home. I take a shower and then climb into bed. At about 2:30 am I get a phone call.

"Hello?" I answer tiredly.

"Miss Winchester?"

It's that annoying nurse from earlier.


"We're sorry to inform you that Cas stabbed himself in the stomach. He's dead Miss Winchester."

I almost can't believe what I'm hearing.

"How... how did he stab himself??"

"He somehow got his hands on a sword like dagger. We have no idea how he even got it."

An angel blade. He stabbed himself with an angel blade. I start crying and hang up. I lay in my bed and sob for hours. Finally I can't stand it anymore. I pack a bag and get into the Impala. I drive and I drive and I drive until I reach Indiana. I knock on my dad's door. I stayed here when Dean died, and now I'm going to live here with Cas's death. I don't see him often, but we talk almost every day over the phone. My dad answers the door, and when he sees me crying he immediately grabs me inside and puts me on the couch.

"Ellie, what's wrong?"

I lean into him. "Cas.... he....he killed himself!!! They said he was delusional, he must've seen Dean and.... it must've drive him to the edge...."

I sob into his shirt. He hugs me and then carries me bridal style to my room. He tucks me in and stays by my side until I fall asleep. When I wake up he's still there.

"I'll make you some breakfast sweetie." He says.

I nod and he leaves. He comes back half an hour later with over easy eggs, sausage , and toast. I pick at the food, and he just watches.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. I should've moved in the second you told me Cas was in the hospital and Dean was dead. I stayed for the funeral and that's it and I'm sorry. I should've stayed with you." He whispers.

I sniff. "It's ok. I understand. You couldn't face the memories..."

"It's not ok. I should've been there. I should've told you...."

"Told me what?"

"I... I've moved on from that life. I have a whole other family now."

He tries to stroke my hair but I smack his hand away. "What?"

"I have a wife. We have two kids. They know about you Ellie, and if you'd like to meet them,"

"No. You lie to me about it for three years that you have another family?!? I don't think I can handle that right now dad!"

I grab my bag and storm out. I go out to the Impala and drive away. I cry and drive all night, not caring what happens to me. I find a bar and I go inside. I drink myself into oblivion, and then a guy comes up to me.

"Hey baby, wanna head back to my place?"

I'm not an idiot. I'm not gonna pick up a guy at some bar. And especially not when I'm drunk.

"Not on your life."

"Oh come on baby," he starts kissing my cheek. "I can make you happy."

I push him away. "For the last time, no."

He gets angry, and grabs my hands and holds them over my head. He kisses me, and I try to get away, but I can't. Then someone rips him off of me and pushes him down.

"She said no. Now scram." It's my dad.

He gets up and leaves, and my picks me up again.

"I'll take you home," he says.

"No. I wanna stay with you." I say, nuzzling into his shirt.

"Are you sure? You'd have to meet my family."

"I don't care." I say.


When I finally sober up, I met this wife, Cassie. Ironic. And I meet his other kids, Dean and Eli. They're great. I love my little brothers, and would do anything for them. And I love my dad, who I'm glad would do anything for me.

Wow that took a while, but then again I did stop to make/eat dinner. The Pink Panther theme is still my mood.

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