Can't Quit You

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Ok so Demon!Dean and Priest!Cas is cool but how about Vampire!Dean and Priest!Cas? And Jessie__Winchester this is the one shot I asked your help for.
Dean's POV
I wake up in a strange place with a strange man dabbing a wet cloth on my forehead. I sit up and push him out of the way and hiss, showing my fangs. I almost collapse against the wall but I stand firm.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Castiel. I found you on the side of the road. I've been taking care of you."

I put my fangs away.

"Do you need to feed? I've been giving you a bit of blood,"

He shows me the bandage on his arm.

I start to feel woozy and nod. I stumble back over to the bed and sit down. He opens the bandage and I begin to suck. When I'm full I retract my fangs and gulp.

"Thank you." I say.

"You're welcome. Do you have a name?" He asks.

"Dean. Did, did you find anyone else? I have a pack,"

"I'm sorry, I didn't. Do you know what happened to you Dean?"

I think back.

I get angry.

"I know exactly what happened."

I try to calm myself down.

"And it's not important. Thank you for taking care of me Castiel. How did you know what to do?"

He sighs.

"I just assumed you would need it. Most Vampire things say you need blood, so I thought why not give it a shot?"

We talk through the night, and then Castiel (who told me to call him Cas) says he has to go to work.

I tell him I'll be gone by the time he gets back.

That's what I say the next day, and the next day, and the next.

Finally I give up saying it and find myself living with Cas....

Who is a priest.

Cas's POV
Dean doesn't seem to be terribly fond of the fact that I'm a priest, but what can I say? It's who I am.


I find myself falling for the vampire. And I think he's falling for me too. But I don't think it's natural for a human being to love an immortal creature.

I sit in the pews of the church pondering my decision to tell him, when a nun by the name of Sister Anna comes up to me.

"What are you pondering Castiel?"

I hesitate. "I'm considering... disobedience... I may break my chastity vows."

She chuckles. "Do you really think anyone keeps those? Maybe the pope or God himself, but I've broken it numerous times. I know you have too. Don't pull that one on me. But if your planning on breaking them again, make it worth it."

She chuckles and walks away.

I sit there in shock.

I thought I was the only one who broke those....

Well I'm going to do it again and I'm going to make it with it.

I go home and Dean is making dinner.

"Hey Cas,"

"I love you."

He drops what he's making and turns around.

"I...I love you too." He says.

We kiss, and end up undressed on my bed. I think you know what happened. He strokes my hair and I look at him, sad. My parents would be so disappointed in me.

"What's wrong Cas?" Dean asks.

I decide to tell him.

"My family used to be hunters. If they ever find us.....they'll kill you."

"I supposedly have a mate. Her name's Lisa. SHe'll kill us if he finds us. That's how I even ended up with you. She let hunters beat me into oblivion."

I climb back on top of him.

"Some mate."

He smirks. "Some family."

"I guess we're just a forbidden romance."

He reaches up and kisses me.

We make out for a while and then I mutter "bite me".

"Are you sure Cas?" He asks.


He releases his fangs and slices along his wrist. He holds it up to my mouth and I drink. I feel the pain of the transformation and soon fangs sprout out of the gums.

I pant and look at him lovingly.

"You probably want something to eat," he says.

"Yeah." I whisper.

"Come on, I know a good place."

We go to a club and start walking through Dean whispers the plan to me. I nod and go out, and a random guy finds me and grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

"Hey sexy. Wanna go back tommy place and bang?"

I smile.

"Why not, it could be fun."

I nod to Dean as they guy leads me out into the alleyway.

"Before we do this, there's something you should know." I say.

"And what's that?"

Dean tackles him from behind and snaps his neck.

"It's that my boyfriend's out for your blood."

I extend my fangs and then smile.

"But I am too."

I climb next to Dean and we kiss, and then dig into the sweet sensation of blood.

Well weirder than I thought it would be... but whatever.

One shots: Supernatural styleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora