Vamps and Champs

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This was suggested by @Jessie_Winchester! Enjoy! Also, Dean is dad and Cas is Pops.
Dean's POV
Cas and I are driving in the Impala, our daughter Claire in the back with Sam. She's just staring out the window while Sam's tapping away on his computer.

"Whadya got Sammy?" I ask.

He glares at me. I smirk.

"Well there's some Vampires in a town near by. It would be quick." He says.

"Can we take it? I'm dying to get out of this car." Claire says.

"I'm sorry, you're what?" Cas asks.

Whenever she says she's dying we remind her that all three of us has died multiple times and we're alright.

She sighs. "I'm begging you please let me out of this car."

"That's better." I say. "Sam book us two hotel rooms. Claire can stay with you. We need her safe."

She rolls her eyes. "You just wanna have sex without me being there."

Cas and I laugh. "Damn straight." I say.

"Straights the wrong word to describe you Dean." Sam says.

"Damn gay." Cas says.

We all laugh again

We get to the hotel, and Cas and I have great sex. (Wink wink)

Claire's POV
"Ugh could they be any louder?!? I don't think they can hear them in KOREA!" I yell.

Uncle Sam chuckles. "Hey, at least you didn't have to deal with them staring at each other for years. So much tension. Do you know how much fanfiction I wrote? How many fanarts I made?? Luckily Supernatural is also a book series."

I laugh. I feel closer to Sam then either of my dad's sometimes.

I hear something outside. My dad's come out half dressed, and we rush out with them.

"That came from the other side of the parking lot. We'll check it out." Dad says.

Pops nods and they head out. We stand for a while, and then Sam heads back into the room. But I stand and wait for them. I feel hands around my mouth and I start screaming, but I'm dragged away, kicking and fighting. I'm knocked out and dragged away.

I wake up bound by my hands. I struggle to get free, but it doesn't work.

"Well well well, the little Winchester girl finally wakes up."

A Vampire comes in.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you. I only want a bite." He flashes his fangs and laughs.

"Haha chuckles. You're funny." I say sarcastically.

He frowns. "You're a stubborn one. It's ok. I can work with stubborn."

I wince as he slices a thin line across my stomach. He cuts along his wrist, and starts to bring the blood toward my gash. I'm whimpering. How can I not, I'm terrified. Suddenly there's a bright light, and the Vampire disintegrates, and I see Pops. Dad comes behind me and cuts me down, and Pops catches me. I cry into his trench coat.

"I'm sorry I got caught." I whisper.

"It's ok Claire. We're just happy you're safe." Dad says, rubbing my hair.

"Help me!"

Dad runs off when he hears the scream, and he comes back a few moments later with another woman, who had been caught.

"Thank you." She hugs dad, and he's hesitant at first but hugs back.

"I'm Whitney. If you ever need anything,"

She takes out a pen and writes a phone number and address, which for some reason I memorize immediately, on Dad's arm, and winks.

"Yeah, thanks but no thanks. I'm taken."

"Well she's a very lucky girl."

"It's a guy. Him, in fact. And he's holding our daughter."

She looks disgusted and walks out.

Three months later, I'm throwing up. I have been for weeks. And my period was never regular, but I haven't had it in two months. I'm nervous, so I bought a package of pregnancy tests. I pee on one, and I shake it.

Two pink lines.

I start crying. These things are almost never a false positive. Only about one in a hundred. Those aren't good odds. I don't know what to do. That damn Vampire raped me, and got me pregnant. I don't know what to do. But then I think of Whitney, how I know her phone number and address. I start packing up, and I leave a quick note.

I'm sorry, but I have to leave. It's for the best. I love you guys.


I cry as I leave. I run to Whitney's house, only a state away. I knock on her door.

"You. You're that girl that was with the two gay guys."

It's raining, so I'm soaking wet and I've been crying almost the whole way.

"Look, I offered a house to your hot dad. Not you. Go find somewhere else to stay."

I wander throughout the town, not sure where to go, when a black 1967 Chevy Impala pulls up next to me.

"Need some help?"

As it turns out I just had the flu, and it was a false positive. I'm glad I'm not going to give birth to some crazy-ass vampire spawn.

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