Actual Disney au Pt. 3

64 3 0

3rd Person POV
Lucifer was rushing back to the ocean from his supposed 'wedding'. He can't believe he let himself get tricked so easily. Asmodeus lied to him. He didn't love Lucifer, he only wanted to get to Michael.

Micheal, the merman without a voice. Michael, the one he truly loved. He arrived back at the beach where he saw what he wished he had prevented.

Asmodeus, back in his true form, clutching Micheal in his tentacles.

"Lucifer, my dear husband. How wonderful it is to see you. Micheal and I were just, having a chat."

Lucifer growled. "I am not your husband. Now let him go."

"A deals a deal, Lucifer. Micheal was human for three days, you didn't kiss him, so no turning back. His soul is mine. I win."

He starts to crawl back into the ocean, laughing. Micheal's screaming is muffled by one of his tentacles.


Asmodeus turns around. "What?"

"What if I make a new deal?"

Asmodeus laughs. "You're playing with Fire boy. But go ahead, attempt to make a deal, with the king." His eyes flare yellow as he speaks.

"Micheal's soul for mine."

Micheal screams and thrashes, as if to say no. Asmodeus comes close to Lucifer with a smile.

"Do you know what happens when I take your soul Lucifer?"

He shakes his head.

"Well, if I say to go left, you go left. If I say to jump, you jump. If I say you live, you live. And if I say you die,"

He releases Micheal into the water, and the fall kills him instantly.

"No!" Lucifer screams. He dives into the water after his love and Asmodeus laughs and dives down as well.

Lucifer grabs Micheal's dead body and drags him back to shore. Asmodeus simply goes deeper into the ocean, back into his cave.

People gather around, watching the prince cry and clutch the body of his beloved.

Then they slowly, slowly, start to fade away.

To be continued....

One shots: Supernatural styleWhere stories live. Discover now