Fun times

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Hello I am the authors sister she let me write something so I am going to do something based off of what happened about an hour ago. Jessie__Winchester you may remember this. And I will try to keep her format sue me if I don't.
Sam's POV
"You go save that bitchass dog Kelsey!" Dean yells.

"What the hell are you even watching?" I ask.

"I don't know, I turned on the tv and here it was. How's the research going?"

"Maybe we should call Cas for help on this one, because I'm getting nothing."

"Ok, dear Castiel, blah blah blah get here."

Cas appears.

"Hello Dean."

I go to get my computer "Hey Cas, can you,"

When I turn back around they are intensely making out.

I snap a picture and they hear the click and stop.


Let's just say the rest of the night was spent chasing Sam around trying to delete the picture.

So she does notes at the end or something too? I think I'll just leave her thing and go.

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