13 ~ Truths...and violent reactions

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When the two got dressed, North summoned them for breakfast.

"Hey North! good morning." they said simultaneously.

North's face turned into a sly smile.

"Good morning ... love birds" he softened his voice at the last part so only he could hear. North gestured to the two empty seats. Jack and Zyla took the seats and they were facing each other. The table is empty, except for their place mats.

"Well,Bon Appetit!"

As soon as North said that, Yetis came in and put in their utensils and of course, the food.

"Mmm, sunny side up! yummy!" Zyla said as she took two, and put them on her plate.

"With bacon too!" she took another two pieces and put them on her plate.

Wow, she has got an appetite

Jack smiled at the thought.

When they finished eating, they moved to the sitting room.

"So North. What is this all about? with the fancy breakfast and all, did we do anything?" Jack was walking between North and Zyla, carrying his staff.

"No, nothing really, I just called you for breakfast- a special breakfast, for our guest."

(Note: guardians don't have metabolisms, so they don't need to eat.)

He gestured to Zyla, who in turn, smiled in gratitude. Jack looked disbelieving, knowing it wasn't just that. North got his reaction as they got in the sitting room. They sat and settled down, Jack and Zyla having interest in their faces. Jack impatiently tapped the floorboards with his staff.

"Well???" He urged North on.

"Very well then, this is very important so listen."

Jack rolled his eyes knowing that this was important.

"Were all ears North." Zyla said, being polite.

"Man in Moon foretold that you two-" He gestured to them both.

"-are let's say, meant to be...(weird silence) you are meant for each other."

Zyla and Jack's eyes widened in shock.


Jack- Her? seriously? Well, it's not that bad, it's not bad at all.

Zyla- Him? That's not funny, Manny. I don't even think he likes me...

Jack chuckled nervously as Zyla blushed. "Seriously?" Jack voiced out his thoughts.

"What!? So that's what MIM's letter meant? About a bond?" Zyla exclaimed.

"Yes. I know this is a lot to take in, but this is real. So *Claps hands together once* no other comments or violent reactions?" North said.

"Actually, there are. Can I be excused for a moment " Then Jack flew out the nearest window, closed it and began to mutter to himself. Suddenly...



He blasted a blue bolt of pure (ice) energy to no particular target. The temperature dropped drastically even if Jack was outside.

Zyla directly went to the window and opened it. "Jack!" She felt worried that he might hurt himself. Jack whipped around to find Zyla looking at him worriedly. His glare softened landed softly on the floorboards.

He sighed. "Sorry..." He murmured

Zyla slightly smiled as she gently closed the windows.

North smiled as he saw how they cared for each other.

"So, was that all you wanted to say or do you want another violent reaction?" Jack jokingly said. North stood up.

"Just one last thing, the others are coming." He said then left the room.

"Yey!" Zyla threw her hands in the air. Jack just looked confused.

"Who d'you mean by 'others' ?"

"You'll know them when they come, just get ready."

" Fine."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There you go! Hope you liked it and wanna know who Zyla and North meant? See it in the next chapter... :)

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Bye!Paalam!Seeya! <3

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