3~The Past and a Message

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Jack POV

(couple minutes before)

After having fun with the kids, I bid goodbye, though they were really hesitant and pleaded me to stay so we can have more fun. Honestly, I wanted to stay but I still had to spread winter fun to other places. (disappointed sigh)

As I started to fly away, I heard a voice,


I instantly whipped around, searching for the source of the sound. My eyes were wide and alert. It actually sounds familiar, kinda like my sister, Emma.


There it goes again! I keep on moving from place to place, trying to trace the voice. After a couple minutes, I finally found the person behind the voice. A little girl, about seven years old, was calling her older brother, who greeted each other through hi-fives and joined their parents in strolling around. I smiled at the sight of a happy family. It reminded me of my family.

Sighing, I went to the pond in Burgess. I stared at my own reflection in the frozen water.

I lazily made frost patterns, thinking about how my sister and mom were when I died.

"I thought I'd find you here."

A feminine voice from the nearby forest came, breaking my thoughts. I immediately got up, my defense mode on. I can barely make her out "Who are you? Show yourself!"

I threatened, incase she was a threat

She chuckled "There's no need for that. I'm not a threat" She moved forward. I now see her clearly but her cloak's hood was still half-covering her face.

"Didn't I just say that I'm not a threat." she repeated when I didn't put my guard down.

I put my guard down but I still gripped my staff tightly.

"What do you want?"

"Oh nothing big really, just tell North that I'll be visiting him soon" She said in a calm but serious voice.

"Now back to my first question, who are you?" I asked, a little more kindly this time.

"Just an old friend of the guardians" she replied.

Old? "Aren't you a little young to be an old friend of the guardians?" I had to stop myself from laughing. She seems to be about 17 or something. "You're just a norma-- "

She cut me off with a snap of her fingers and she had fire in her hands. I stared in awe and surprise. "Did that look normal?" and when she closed her hand, it was gone! And not a single burn.

I was speechless and she smirked.

She came closer and said, "Please just do my favor and I'll stop by."

And with that she turned her heels and flew away. Wait, she could Fly!?! Jeez, that girl is unpredictable.


A/N So what do you think? Like the stranger? Its kinda like the story "Flame and Frost" but its different.

:-) oh and this is probably the looonngest chapter yet.

Till the next chapter.

Ci vediamo!

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