t h i r t y t w o : healing [time]

632 15 11

I don't want to hear sad songs anymore
I only want to hear love songs
I found my heart up in this place tonight
Don't want to sing mad songs anymore
Only want to sing your song
'Cause your song's got me feeling like I'm
I'm in love.



"Peaches?! What happened?"

"Riley." I say lightly.

"Riley." Lucas states and pulls her into a hug.

"What happened?! What's wrong? Lucas said something about bleeding?"

"I- I had a..." I start to choke on my words a little. Why is this so hard? I didn't even know that I was pregnant.

"Can I tell her?" Lucas asks. "You know, make it easier on you."

I grab his hand. "Go ahead."

"She has a miscarriage."

"I didnt even know you were pregnant..." Riley says.

"Neither did I." I admit horsely.

"Peaches... oh no." She pulls me into a warm hug.

"I don't know why I'm so upset. It's not like I knew or anything.... I- I had no clue."

"It's okay to be upset. A lost child is still a lost child. Whether you knew about it or not."

"Yeah, I guess your right...." I take a little pause. "Wow honey, the two of us have got to get on the pill." I say as Lucas and Riley both look at me. "What? Too soon?"


"So... is she doing okay?" Jonah calmly asks, as he lightly strokes Riley's hands, slowly going over her knuckles before looking deep into her brown eyes with sympathy.

"She is. At least, I think she is. I can't really tell. I just, I can't imagine the pain she's feeling right now. I mean if I lost my-" Riley's tears started dripping from her eyes unto her cheeks as she held on and rubbed her stomach. "I just- I want to be there for her as much as I possibly can." She quickly wiped her tears from her cheeks and squeaked out the words to Jonah.

"Riley it's okay, I understand how you feel, wanting to be there for someone in a situation you can't understand. It's how I feel about you..." He smiles looking into her eyes. "I don't completely understand what you went through from your perspective yet, but every moment I spend with you, I'm starting to understand more and more and I'm so grateful for that."

Riley looks at him and leans forward, kissing him deeply. She had never felt such understanding and effort radiating off one person so strongly.


"Lucas... Can I have water?" I squeak scratched as I look at his distressed face as he walks around my temporary home of a hospital room, tidying up.

"Of course cupcake." He looks up at me and smiles, as his distressed face briefly relaxes, as if my face brings him comfort. Once he looks away from me, his face immediately looks upset again and he grabs a bottle of water from his bag, and pours some of that water in a nearby cup.

"Are you okay Huckleberry?" I ask as he hands me the cup of water he poured from the bottle.

"I'm fine. I'm... I'm just worried about you." He looks deeply into my blue eyes.

𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 [𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐲𝐚]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora