t w e n t y n i n e : date on the beach

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if you love me let me know
if you love me let me know
if you love me let me know
it'll be your better night



"After everything it feels really weird coming back here." I say running my fingers over the lockers as we pass in the hallway.

"Yeah, a couple of months ago things were so different." Farkle sighs. "Riley was with Lucas, and not pregnant. You and Lucas hated each other!" He chuckles. "I can't believe we are still in our senior year. It feels like years have past by. I can't believe it's only March."

"I know right." I smile.

"So... how is she?" Farkle inquiries, assumably about Riley.

"She's okay, big choice to make. Between you and Jonah? That's really tough."

"Me and Jonah?"

"Ummm..." I didn't realize Farkle didn't know about Jonah showing up at the house until now. "Huh?"

"Me and Jonah, Maya?"

"What?" I reply, trying to go around the topic.

"Babe." His tone softens.

I groan. "Yes, you and Jonah. Jonah came to the house before you did, telling Riley that he didn't care that she was pregnant and still wants to give it a chance. Saying he wants to get to know her."

"Seriously? Seriously? How am I gonna compete with that?" Farkle mumbles as we stop by my locker.

"Well for starters, you know her better than he does. You're one of her best friends Farkle." I reassure him while grabbing my English book out my locker. "Use that to your advantage. You know Riley and I better than we know ourselves. We were your wives for 10 plus years."

"Yeah, you're right." He starts to smile.

"See Farkle? There's nothing to worry about. There's a good chance she'll pick you."

"But babe, what if a good chance isn't enough."


"This is what I needed to get through today." Lucas sighs as he takes a big gulp of the large milkshake we're sharing. "I missed you so much all day cupcake." He kisses my lips lightly, which still causes the butterflies in my stomach to swarm around in a circle and do little baby backflips.

"I missed you even more Huckleberry." I pull him close. I missed his warmth. This weekend has been pretty rough on all of us.

"Would you guys chill? You're disgusting." Zay rolls his eyes.

"They're in love. Let them be. I hope one day me and my girlfriend can be half as happy as you guys." Farkle smiles.

"Awww Zay. I love you." I coo from across the table and rest my hand on top of his.

"Yeah yeah." He groans as he gets up from the table to throw his garbage away.

"Peaches!" A pregnant Riley yells as she waddles across to where we are.

"I can't believe you're nearly 4 months Riles." I say and rest my hand on the miniature baby bump.

"Hey Riles." Farkle says shyly from the other side of me.

"Hi Farkle." She gently smiles over at him before taking a seat next to Zay.

"Preggers, my old pal." Zay declares, before slinging his arm around Riley.

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