t w e n t y : tell tale pregnancy

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I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
All I wanted was to break your walls
All you ever did was wreck me
Yeah, you, you wreck me



"Auggie's missing."

"What?" Topanga says "But he was just right here! He can't be gone!"

"The real question, is why. Why would Auggie run away from home?" Cory asks

"He left a note."

you guys never pay attention to me anymore. so i ran away with ava. don't bother looking for us. we won't be around. - auggie x

"We have to find him. Now." Topanga says as everyone gathers their things and start to walk out the door.

"How am I going to tell them now? It's just going to bad news on top of more bad news." Riley whispers to me. "First they find out their son is missing, then they find out their daughter was raped and is now pregnant by her rapist." Riley says throwing up her hands as we walks behind the group.

"Okay, so maybe you can't tell them right now, but when their happy and they've found Auggie, you have to tell them Riles. It can't be an option anymore."

"I know Maya. I'm just worried. I'm nearly a month pregnant and the only person that knows is you." Riley says shakily.

"Would it make you feel better if you told the boys? You could use them as a practice for when you are telling your parents." I offer

"That might a good idea." Riley murmurs


"You're not serious." Lucas says

"Sadly I am. I was raped by Charlie and I just have to accept that." Riley says

"No, no you don't. He can't just get away with this." Farkle says

"Wait, did he use protection? At least tell me he used protection." Zay says

"She's getting there." I murmur

"I'm pregnant. By Charlie." Riley pushed out

"What?" Farkle stammers

"Does Mr. and Mrs. Matthews know?" Lucas asks

"Not yet, I wanted to tell them tonight, but then Auggie ran away, and it just didn't seem like the right time to tell them." Riley answers

"How far along are you?" Zay says

"I'm about a three weeks, almost a month along." Riley replies

"Riley, wanted to practice on you guys before she told her parents. She thought it would be easier if you guys knew too so that the whole room wouldn't be surprised other than me." I say

Right after I say those words, Cory comes running in. "We found Auggie!" He excitedly states

After everyone leaves, except for the boys and I, Cory and Topanga start to talk to Auggie about running away tonight and scaring everyone.

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