t w e n t y e i g h t : who does riley want to date?

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There's something 'bout the way your mind works
It might be how you're looking at the world
It's deeper than your looks and your curves
There's something 'bout you



"Maya, what are we going to do about Vienna and this baby?" Lucas asks pacing in the hospital waiting room. "Even though Maddie isn't my baby, I'm still worried about her." He whimpers then takes a seat next to me.

I rest my head on his shoulder. "They're going to be okay Lucas. We'll figure out their status from the doctor and then we'll go from there." I reassure as a girl with mocha skin and curly brown hair runs in the hospital, then looks around until her eyes meets mine.

"You must be Maya. Vienna's sister right? I'm Shana. Her... friend." She blushes. "And you're... Lucas." She says not so excitedly.

"Yes. I'm her." I start. "And yes, this is my boyfriend Lucas."

"Yes. I know all about Lucas." She sighs. "She wanted you so bad, she was willing to rip you away from your true love because of it." She agonized.

"You know her pretty well." I inquire.

"Yes. Maybe a little bit too well. And now I can't seem to get over her." Shana blubbered.

"Oh Shana." I sympathized.

"But she doesn't love me. She thinks she loves Lucas. And she won't quit. Not even after realizing I have feelings for her, and he has nothing for her. She continues to string me along anyway and I can't stop falling for her fake love. I'm in love with her Maya." She cries.

"Maya Hart?" The doctor said loudly.

"That's me." I make clear.

"Follow me."


"Your sister is okay, but is in bad condition. She might not be able to walk for approximately 3-4 months."

"And the baby?" I question.

"The baby is fine as well. Vienna throw herself in front of the car to save her baby, who is unharmed."

"She really does care about the baby." I state.

"It appears so." The doctor concluded before walking away, leaving the three of us at her room.

I walked in the door to a worried Vienna. "Maya..." She starts.

"Hey sis."

"The baby?"

"Is okay." She sighs of relief.

"Hi Vienna." Shana cautionally states.

"Shana, hey." She smiles.

"Lucas maybe we should go..." I decide.

"No, stay. Please?" Shana requests.

"Okay." I smile and grab Lucas' hand. We walk over and sit in chairs on the other side of Vienna's bed. He squeezes Shana's shoulder in support as we walk over and sit.

"Vienna. I know you've noticed. I have deep feelings for you. But you're still hung up on someone who doesn't want to be with you. If you have no feelings for me whatsoever tell me now. I'll leave your life for a little and take time to get over you. Then maybe we can be friends. But I'm done being strung along." She vents.

"Shana, I do. I do have feelings for you. And I realized after this accident, that the only reason I wanted Lucas so bad was because I want the kind of relationship he and Maya have." She smiles over at me. "I realized I want someone to love me the same way he loves her. But I had it all along and I was too stupid to notice. But I understand if you want to move on. You deserve better. You deserve to be happy."

𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 [𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐲𝐚]Where stories live. Discover now