[84] A Father's Wishes

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Hey guys! So I tried to give myself a goal and try and do a chapter a week, but I really suck at reaching my writing goals. Let me use two words to apologize: I'm sorry. :/

>>>>>Song of the Chap: You And Me by Lifehourse>>>>> 

>>>>>Pic of the Chap: Fred Parker, played by Brad Pitt. :)>>>>>

Chapter 84

Fred Parker was having a hard time calming down, the restlessness within him causing his fingers to jig a beat on the counter at the front of the jail’s only entrance/exit. He looked at his watch again and verified that it was one minute away from the time his shift was ending.

Gabe and Andy should be here any minute now. He looked toward the door that led to the jail cells. If they didn’t get here soon, Josh wouldn’t get out in time.

“Hey Fred!” George Somers, or Officer Somers, came in looking well-rested and a sparkle in his blue eyes. The guy’s hair was growing more pepper-colored as the days passed, but the forty-year-old was taking it in strides. Not to mention, he could afford to since he looked a lot like Matt Damon. In fact, he looked so much alike, his nickname around the police force was “Officer Damon”.

“Hey.” Fred responded to the greeting. Seeing his replacement only made Fred’s bouts of anxiousness spike to higher levels. His fingers were still drumming away, but now they had accompaniment in the form of the jittering foot. As Officer Somers disappeared into the office, Fred looked at the door, hoping it would open at that second.

But as much as he stared a hole in it, the damn thing stayed shut. He rubbed his face furiously. He couldn’t believe he was actually doing this...

He let out a shaky breath and slipped a key off the key ring and left it in plain sight of the door before following Officer Somers into the the office. “So how’s Patti doing? I heard she’s pregnant again.” He said, feeling weird trying to make small talk like this. Apparently, the officer in front of him was thinking the same thing, because he gave him a WTH look. Fred forced a laugh out and said, “That expression on your face makes you look more like Matt Damon.”

George looked at Fred a couple seconds longer before he looked down at some paperwork on the desk. “How’s Josh doing?” Translation: Shouldn’t you be watching Josh?

Fred played it dumb and said, “Sitting in the same old corner. Still hasn’t really moved. Still hasn’t eaten--”

The door slammed behind them and Fred looked behind him to see the two boys he’d been waiting for. He had been hoping they’d get there before Officer Somers came in, because now it was going to be tricky.

Maybe if-

Andy marched straight up to him, eyes red around the rims, and a look of disgust on his face. What was going on?

“You knew.” Fred’s eyes grew wide, getting scared. Was he about to get busted by his own son for risking his own job to get Josh out of jail? “You knew all this time, and yet you didn’t tell us a thing?”

Feeling his hands go clammy, Fred wiped them on his pants. “What-ah, what’s wrong Andy-”

“You knew why mom-” The guy’s face twisted, and his eyes grew watery, and sudden dread washed through Fred.

“Andy--” He started.

“I thought she only moved out because of her work!” Andy yelled, getting so close to his face, Fred could see every tear that slid from the corners of his son's eyes. "You told us she was coming back after you became an officer!"

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