[13] Yes, Billy, Pancakes Are Delicious

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>>>>Song of the chap...hmmm....Don't Worry Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin. :) >>>>

Chapter 13

Thanks to the seasons changing, things started to cool down. But for Roman High School's football team, it didn't matter how cold it got, they were always going to go home sweaty. 

"Jones! What the hell was that? Rhodes, you call that a pass? Hayes, Get your fuckin' head out the clouds! What are you a bunch of girls? You call this football? We've got our first game in a fucking week!"

It was already three weeks since the beginning of the school year, and Billy was starting to get used to coming to school with Dan. But Billy kept to the bleachers when Dan got like this. No matter how much she was getting used to the guy, when he was like this, it scared the living hell out of her. She wondered how someone who was as gentle as he was could turn into a raving monster so quickly. But despite that, she still felt comfortable with him.

She raised a hand to remove the hair that the autumn wind had blew into her face, and realized that her favorite long sleeve was starting to get tight around her arms. Not only her arms, but also her torso. It wasn't something that she had just recognized either. Just the other day she had actually taken her time looking in the mirror after she got out the shower. She could hardly see her ribs. And her collarbone wasn't so apparent anymore. Even her legs didn't seem so knobby. She was gaining weight. 

And that wasn't the only thing that was slowly changing. She found herself talking more. Mostly to Dan and Phil, but occasionally, she'd greet one of Phil's friends, or one of Dan's. 

Josh. It was weird just thinking about him. She found him on the field, tackling the guy with the football. His bright blue eyes flashed in her memories, and her heart thumped. 

She hadn't seen him as much as she saw the others since that time in the game room, but when she did, their eyes would meet, and he'd turn the other way and run. She always had an electric shock in every meeting with him. It made her feel...weird. She didn't know what the feeling was. It just...unsettled her. 

"Alright. Wrap it up and bring it in." Dan's yell shook Billy out of her thinking, and she stood and made her way down to the silver bench where Dan was sitting. The players jogged over to their coach. "Okay. We got a game coming up. A week from today. Y'all know that. Make sure you know that on Monday, 'cause I'm going to be working y'all like harvesting mules. Now get outta here and take a shower." He jabbed a thumb toward the locker room, and the boys left. 

Dan rubbed his face. "Man, what a rough week, eh Billy?" He looked at the girl to see her nod. "Thank god it's Friday, right?" He ruffled Billy's hair and Billy smiled. It was still weird to have him do that, but she was getting used to it. "Let's get out of here. I'm hungry. What do you want to eat?" 

Billy just shrugged. 

Dan sighed. "Come on Billy, you must want something." Billy shrugged again. "Like a burger or pancakes or something." 

Billy perked at one word. "Pancakes? Are they good?" 

Dan tossed a look at Billy as he unlocked the car. "Good? They're delicious! And I know where they taste best." 

Five minutes later, they were sitting at Mamma Logan's Breakfast Parlor, where apparently, the best breakfast was served.

"Oh, Mister Pierce! I haven't seen you in quite a minute!" The sweet old lady who was both the clerk and the waitress shined her smile up at the tall man and turned her face to the young girl who was just as tall as herself. "Well, hello there sweetie." Her soft green eyes and kind face made Billy feel a little awkward.

"H-hi." She said, retreating closer to Dan. 

The old waitress just laughed it off. "Come in, come in." She seated them and asked their order. 

"Just two plates of your special pancakes." he smiled at the waitress. 

"Alrighty. Two specials coming up!" The waitress piped as she rushed off to deliver their orders to the cook.

Ten minutes, the waitress was swooping by, delivering their food. Billy watched as Dan picked up the syrup dispenser and drowned his pancakes in it. He noticed her as he was raising his first forkful to his mouth. As he stuffed it in his mouth, he smiled as he chewed. "Mmmm." He nudged towards Billy's own plate. "Take a bite."

Billy picked up the dispenser and did the same thing Dan did, and then used her fork to tentatively bring a piece of her pancake to her mouth. As soon as the pancake touched her tongue, her eyes closed in bliss.

Dan watched, amused that Billy started stuffing her mouth with pancakes. He chuckled a little. "Calm down, they're not going anywhere." He pushed a glass of water towards her and she took several gulps to get her food down. "I guess you like pancakes."

Billy nodded enthusiastically. "They're good!"

"Hm. Maybe I'll make you some homemade ones one day." Dan said, returning to his own plate.

. . .

Phil jogged over to Adam's place, feeling a little light on his feet. He was thinking of asking Nadi out Monday. Maybe a movie, or to dinner. Either way, he was pretty sure she'd say yes.  Finally building up the courage to ask the girl he'd fallen for years ago made him smile a little. He had a feeling she liked him too.

Phil's intent, as he snuck into Adam's house, was to surprise his best bud. He snuck in, creeping towards Adam's room, and as he stood in front of Adam's door, he slowly turned the knob, trying not to make a noise.

And then, he burst through the door, flinging it open with one dramatic move as he yelled loudly.

Adam yelled in both surprise and annoyance. As he dove for his covers.

But what had Phil freezing, horror taking over his face, was that the girl who had been on top of Adam desperately grabbing for her clothes...that girl was none other than Nadi.


Heh. I'm that evil. Now. I want you to vote...XD

And if you've voted, please, pass it on to a friend so they can read and vote too. :)

Love y'all! 


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