[65] Back In Town

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>>>Song of the Chap: In The End by Linkin Park>>>>

>>>>Pic of the Chap: Here, have one of Andy played by Alex Pettyfer>>>>

Chapter 65

Lunchtime came, and Phil half-expected Adam to show up, dragging Hana behind him, but there wasn’t even a glimpse.

Phil sighed as he sat down with his tray. His eyes passed over Gabe and Andy arguing over something, Josh pulling out a chair for his sister, and Dean placing Becca’s tray on the table for her before taking a seat.

He sighed as his search failed again. “Where are you hiding, Adam?” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. Someone took the seat next to him and he looked up quickly...

 But it wasn't his best friend taking a seat, But Nadi. She smiled a little, “Hey.” She greeted. When Phil looked away and sighed, her brow furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He picked up his milk carton and drank his chocolate milk in one go.

“I’m telling you what I saw!” Gabe’s voice grew louder, and what the two boys were arguing finally took the attention of the whole table. Gabe paused for a second before he tacked on, “I think.”

“And I’m telling you you must have not seen right!” Andy argued back.

“Dude, I know it’s been three years since we last saw him, but that guy still looks the same.” Gabe bickered.

“Why the hell would Rob come back after all the ruckus he’s done here?” Andy yelled.

Phil’s attention narrowed in on Josh quickly at the words. The boy’s backbone grew rigid as his hand fisted in a ball where it had been resting on the table. Josh didn’t look at Gabe and Andy. His eyes were still on Billy, which would probably explain why he stayed so calm.

When the table had grown completely quietly, the two boys finally realized how loud they’d become. All eyes were on them...well, besides Josh who stared hard at Billy, and Phil, who stared just as hard at Josh.

As Phil watched, he was surprised at what happened. Josh forced his hand to unfurl. “So Billy, how was your morning? Do you like your classes?” He asked with a smile that Phil could tell was forced. Billy looked away from Andy and Gabe back to her boyfriend.

“It was...fun. Everybody was nice.”

Josh’s attempt to suck the tension out of the air only worked a fraction. Even though he had broken the tense silence, and everyone at the table went back to eating, all six boys still had Robert on their minds.

The bell seemed too long in ringing, and when it finally did, the boys bolted out their seats, the boyfriends taking their girl’s trays...and Gabe fought Andy to take his, and won in the end when Gabe stuck his face in his boyfriend’s. Andy glared at Gabe who only was a few centimeters away....and gave up as his face turned red and he turned away.

They both knew that he had been thinking about their kiss.

Phil laughed as he watched. Out of manners, he took Nadi’s tray.

And then they went to their classes. Josh and Billy were hand in hand, Becca looped an arm around Dean’s, and Gabe grabbed Andy’s and stick it in his Letterman Jacket pocket...which had Andy blushing like hell. Times like these, he wished he had someone like that...but Nadi wasn’t that person, as he realized a while back.

He sighed for the millionth time that day. Where the hell was Adam? He should have been there, forcefully escorting Hana to her next class as he yelled at Gabe to let his brother go.

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