Final Chapter - Kaneki and Kuro

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Kaneki keep sighing meanwhile Haise is reading a book. Since his sigh can't stop, Haise can't bring himself to ignore it and he become curious about what his problem is.

S.H : Hey, is there something wrong?
K.K : *sigh* What should I do, Haise? It's really obvious that Kuro is still afraid of me.
S.H : Well, that's because you are too hot headed. Since Kuro takes my personality meanwhile Shiro takes your personality, that's why Shiro is more attach to you more than Kuro.
K.K : *sigh* But still..I want to get along with him, Kuro is my child too.
S.H : Hmm.. Then, let's switch on new year eve. We will go to the plaza on that day and you need to make a plan to fix your relationship with Kuro. I will give you an advice; don't force or pressure him.
K.K : R-Really?! Thanks, Haise!

-31st December-
The snow had fallen into the ground and Sasaki's family spend their cold morning to sleep. Around 10 a.m, Touka awake first and she wakes her husband up who still sleep beside her.

K.T : Haise, wake up. I need your help to clean the house.
K.K : Um..Five more minute..
K.T : No. Wake up. Now.
K.K : Um.. I will wake up if you give me a kiss, babe.
K.T : ...Kaneki?
K.K :, will you kiss me or-

Before he finishes his words, Touka put her soft lips on his which makes Kaneki opens his eyes widely then he immediately completely awake and blushes.

K.T : I just give what you want. Now wake up and help me with the house chores, okay?
K.K : OK. Uh..Touka, can you help me?
K.T :  What is it?

Kaneki tells her about his problem with Kuro and he needs her to corporate with his plan tonight. Touka agrees with him and she says that she will help him with the plan. After then, they clean the house and it the afternoon, the twins wake up and greet their parents. Shiro runs towards Haise but he get stumbled by the vacuum cleaner and his face slam the floor.

K.K : Shiro! Are you okay? Just what the heck are you do-
Shiro :  ..Huh? It's daddy Kaneki!! Yaay!

Kaneki stares at Kuro, he is trembling and hiding behind his mother.

Ah..shit. I am scaring him again. curses him as he tries to hide his feeling and smiles to Kuro.

"Kuro, hello.", says Kaneki but it makes Kuro more scared of him. Touka aware about this and she tells the twins not to bother them because they need to clean the house before they go to the plaza. Shiro pulls his twin from behind Touka and they go to outside. Kaneki sighs and Touka told her husband not to mind it.

In the evening Touka and Kaneki make sure their children stay warm then they go to the plaza. During the trip, Kuro become more quiet than usual and it makes Kaneki more concerns about him. 

After they arrive at plaza, the people begin crowd that place. Kuro is going to hold Touka's hand but she already holds Shiro's. Shiro keep whining that he wants to hold Kaneki's and Touka looks at him and gives him a sad look.

K.T : Shiro, you don't want be with mom? Every time daddy Kaneki appear, you always talking about  him. Do you hate mom?
Shiro : No, I don't mean that! Uh..please don't be sad, mom.. If I hold your hand, will you be happy?
K.T : Really? Of course I am.
Kuro : Eh?! But Shiro..
Shiro : Kuro, do you want to see mom sad?
Kuro : I don't want to but..
Shiro : Oh, come on. For now you hold dad's hand and I will hold mom's, okay?

Kuro doesn't want to complain anymore because he doesn't want make Touka sad. Kaneki reaches his hand to hold Kuro's hand but he doesn't want to.

K.K : Kuro, it's really crowded here. It's dangerous if we get separate here.
Kuro : ...Don't worry, dad. I will hold..your coat.
K.K : ...(How much is his fear to me?) Fine, but don't ever let go of me, okay?

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