Chapter 16 - Favor

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Even the place is crowded, they felt it's quiet surround of them.
No one can spoke any single word, no one can believe of what they heard just now.

"Surprised? It's not a lie, that's the truth. This hair.. it's a proof. My parents are already dead and it's all because of me. I'm only bring misfortune with me. That's why, if you don't want to get hurt even worsen than that. From now on.. Please, don't ever approach me again."

They saw her expression, a really sad and painful one.
They want to say something to her but they can't find the right one.
They remain silent until Touka left them.
After She disappeared from their sight, Yoriko fell down on her knees while crying.

Mutsuki and Saiko help her to get up, they can't say anything because of Touka's story.
They are too shock after hear her dark past, they can't believe that She had tragic past.
After the festival is over, all of them went home without say anything.


Sasaki changed his yukata into his casual clothes and lied on his bed.
He can't forget what had happened back then.

Touka.. Why I can't say anything to her? Ugh.. You idiot, Haise..

Not long after that, He felt asleep and He awake in the next morning.
He still felt uneasy about last night so He decided to spend his day outside.
Sasaki went to a park then sat a bench, the beautiful scenery and peaceful atmosphere calmed him down until someone smack his head from behind.

S.H : Ouch!! Who the- Ayato-kun?
K.A : Yo, panda. Spend your time here alone?
S.H : Oh.. Yeah.

For a moment, they spend their time to enjoy the view until Ayato start their conversation.

K.A : It seems my sister told you everything about my parents yesterday.
S.H : ... H-How do you know?
K.A : I saw you and my sister beside the riverside. I can guess it by your face expression.
S.H : I see. ...Hey Ayato-kun, Touka told me that everyone include her hide about the truth from you when you were a kid. But how do you know about your parents?
K.A : It's a year later after my parents's death anniversary, when I was gonna enter the junior high school. I found it coincidentally, I overheard from a police officer when when I came to Hirako-san's office. I don't believe it at first so I investigated it by myself. In the end, it's all was true. I felt so angry and sad back then, I behave myself and I study hard more than before so my parents will proud of me after they back to Japan. But.. it was useless, they won't return. Ever. I was deceived by everyone around me. I mad to my sister and said that She's the worst and I hate her. I.. hurt her feelings. I knew that She do it for my sake, but still.. I can't hold my anger so I lashed it to her. I ran away from home and leave her alone. I'm the worst.
S.H : You.. Do you still hate your sister? Can't you forgive her?
K.A : ... To be honest, I don't ever hate her.
S.H : Then why you won't go back home?
K.A : ... It's for her sake. If I stay beside her and something bad happen to me, my sister will stand for me. I'm afraid that She will get hurt in my place and I don't want become a burden to her. I left my house then I met Eto and Tatara. They taught me that I can protect someone with power. I learn how to fight and I become like this. After her appearance changed, many boys even some boys from my schoolattracted to her. I beat the man who tried to do something stupid to her. Because I've hurt her before, I decided to protect her from afar. I don't want to see her suffer anymore.
S.H : ... I see.
K.A : Say, can you do me a favor?
S.H : ? What is it?  

Ayato stood up then bowed to Sasaki.

S.H : A-Ayato-kun?
K.A : Please.. Please help my sister! 
S.H : Eh? I..
K.A : Please! The one who I can trust is you! Since She met you, She changed little by little. When I saw you and my sister, She seems to be happy. It's the first time, I saw her changed. I believe.. that you can save her! Please, Sasaki Haise!

Looking at Ayato begged him like that, He pat his back.
Sasaki said that He will try his best, after He got the answer He left with a smile.
Ayato left first meanwhile Sasaki stayed at park for several minutes.

Sasaki called all his friends and asked them whether they can met him at park.
All of them have free times that day and met him at noon.
After all of them gathered, Sasaki took them to McDonald to have lunch.
They are chatting and have lunch there together.

S.G : Sa-san, you said that you want to discussed something with us. What is it?
S.H : ... It's about Touka. Mutsuki, Saiko, do you hate her?
Y.S : We.. *sigh* Err.. When She lashed out to you, it's true that I hate her. But.. after heard her past life yesterday.. I.. don't know anymore.
M.T : Me too.. But, I still don't understand why suddenly She told her past life to us?
S.H : I.. met her one more time before yesterday. That time, She said that it's her fault that I get hurt. She believe that She only bring misfortune to others, but of course I denied it. Maybe She wanted to tell me that She's not lying. I believe that She's not grim reaper. She's just a girl, a girl who blame herself when the people She loves get hurt. She harsh to me so I will stay away from her. She tried to distance herself with the others but She failed, so She makes the others stay away from her. That's why.. can you forgive her?

They silent for a moment then they responded with nod.
Sasaki smile, He's happy that his friends want to understand Touka.

After lunch they decided to met Touka at her house, Anteiku.
It's time they fixed their problem and it's time.. to release Touka from her suffering.


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