Chapter 12.1 - Friends (Part 1)

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!! YOU!

My name is not 'you'. Sasaki, you know my name, right?

SHUT UP! I don't want to call your name again! 

You are so mean, Sasaki. Do you hate me so much? 
We are the same person and yet you hate me?

Why are you here? Why did you appear again?

Hmm? Did I do something wrong? 
I just protect the most precious person to us.

Protect? PROTECT?! How dare you called it 'protect'?! 
You hurt my friends!

That's because they are on my way, Sasaki.

Don't you ever think that what if they don't stop me?!
I will become a murderer!!

Relax~ I won't kill them, I just wanna half-kill them.
With my way, they won't lay their rotten hands on her.   
But how about you? You report them to the teacher, then they will banned from school. 
There's a possibility that She might awake when they are roaming free outside school.
They ignored their punishment and they keep going with their plan. 


*sigh* You are really hopeless, Sasaki.
If you don't give them any lesson, you will lose someone who precious to you.
Just be honest, you still need me right?

Shut up.. Shut up! SHUT UP!!
I don't need you! Just disappear from my life!!

Sa-sa-ki Ha-i-se. No matter how many times you reject me, 
just remember that I won't disappear. Remember..


Sasaki wake up from his nightmare, it's already bright outside.
He saw the clock, it's already 10 a.m.
Feeling lazy to wake up, He checked his cell phone.
Thirteen miss call and twenty messages, there all from his friends.
He knew that his friends worried about him but because of feeling guilty,
He did not reply any single of them.
He thought that He himself doesn't deserved to be called as 'friend' anymore.
Then He wondered what He can do besides spent his time alone in his home.
He rolled on his bed for several minutes then He chose to headed to Anteiku.

After He arrived at Anteiku, everyone got confused and asked him that He should be at school at noon. 
Sasaki told that He banned from school because of some 'reasons'.
Manager and the others didn't asked any further, they know that He didn't want to talk about it.
Sasaki works as usual, He tried to make himself busy as possible so He can distract his dream last night.
When there's no customer, Yoshimura called him to teach him how to make coffee.
After work, He visited Touka.. That's what He do everyday.

It has been a week that Touka is in coma, but still She's not awake.
She become thin and her skin become more pale than before.
Sasaki worried about her, what if the doctor was wrong and She will not wake up?
Sasaki lost in his thoughts till He felt asleep.


*twitch* ... Where? Where am I?
I'm thirsty. My body.. sore.
? Someone is holding my hands. Who?

Touka blinked for several times, to adjust her vision.
She saw someone with black and white hair felt asleep next to her while He holds her hands.

"Ha-ise?" She whispered. Her throat dried, She tried her best to called him.
"Haise. Haise. Haise." She can feel the guy who asleep beside her began to move.
Slowly, Sasaki wake up and rubbed his eyelids.

S.H : T-Touka?! Touka!! MANAGER!! SHE IS AWAKE!
K.T : Don't.. yell.
S.H : So-Sorry.. I'm really.. glad, Touka. I'm afraid that you will never awake again.  

Touka didn't say anything then they heard someone knock the door.

Y : Touka-chan. You're awake.
K.T : Yoshimura-san?
Y : Are you okay? Can you sit up?
K.T : My body..sore. I'm.. thirsty.
S.H : Wait, I will bring water now!

Sasaki went to the kitchen to bring the water.
As they watch Sasaki left the room, Touka asked Yoshimura that how long She is in coma.
Yoshimura answered her then He whispered that Sasaki visit her everyday.
Before Touka replied him, Sasaki rushed into the room while bringing a glass of water for her.
Both Yoshimura and Sasaki help her to sit, and help her to drink.
Touka saw the clock, it's almost 10 p.m.

K.T : Haise, it's already late.. You need go to school tomorrow, right?
S.H : Ah.. That's- Uh, no problem Touka. I will attend class the day after tomorrow.
K.T : Huh? Don't joking with me. Are you skipping class?
S.H : *touching chin* Err- Kind of like that? 
K.T : What kind of answer is that?
Y : Ahem! Sasaki-kun, you must be tired. Go home and take a rest, okay? Touka will be fine. I will keep my eyes on her this night.
S.H : Y-Yeah. Touka, manager. I will go home first.
K.T : ... Haise?
S.H : Yeah?
K.T : Thank you..
S.H : You are welcome, Touka.

Sasaki went home and Yoshimura went downstairs to check the shop once again.
Touka rubbed both of her hands slowly, She could still felt the warmth of Sasaki's hands on her hands.

Haise's hands... They're so gentle and warm. thought Touka as She can feel her cheek blushed.


On the next morning, Touka wake up early and trained herself to walk.
She doesn't want become a burden to another people.
Touka often fell down because She is not using her leg for a week.

Sasaki wake up in the morning. He took a bath then headed to Anteiku.
He arrived at the shop then He changed into his uniform.
Sasaki cleaned and arranged the tables. Suddenly, He heard a loud thud from upper floor.
He rushed and break in into Touka's room. He found She is trying to get up.

S.H : Touka?! Are you alright?
K.T : Yeah, I'm okay.. Wait, what are you doing here in the morning? Are you stalking me?
S.H : W-What?! N-No!! I-I'm not..
K.T : Why are you wearing our uniform? Don't tell me-
S.H : Hehe. Surprise! I'm a job part-timer here now, Touka. I hope we can get well, senpai.

Touka didn't say anything, She is just staring him quietly.
Sasaki sweats then He heard She is whispering 'Yeah, kohai.'.
He finds it funny, He is older than her and yet She called him as 'kohai'.
After this incident, they become closer than before.
Even Touka, She become gentler to him than before.

-Kiyomi High School-
On the next day, Sasaki looks uncomfortable when He came to school.
He felt almost all of students stared at him.

That kid, right? Who beat five students. I heard all of them hospitalized.

I was right! He is former delinquent!

He looks like kind person, but inside He is not different with those guys.

Sasaki clenched both his hands after hearing the rumor.
What do they know about me? Talking about me, without know the tru-
Wait, what am I thinking?
Suddenly He felt someone pat his shoulder, He turned around and saw Touka.

S.H : T-Touka? Why are you here?
K.T : It's boring just stay in house not doing anything. What? Am I not allowed to be here?
S.H : No, I mean.. Are you feeling okay now? 
K.T : I'm okay, I just need use this crutches until I can walk properly. It's a miracle that I could stand up just in one day.
S.H : I-I see..

"SA-SAN!!" Sasaki heard someone called his name, He saw Shirazu running to him.
Sasaki apologized to Touka and excuse himself for go to the restroom immediately.

That's.. Shirazu? 
What the heck happened here? Did they have a fight? 


Notes :

Senpai = senior

Kohai = junior

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