Chapter 28.1 - A New Life (Part 1)

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-Six Years Later-
Haise enters the coffee shop while he is holding hands with his twin kids; one of them has black hair and the other one has white hair.

S.H : Touka, I'm home~!
Kuro & Shiro : Mommy, we're home~!

The white haired girl greets them after she serves the coffee to customer.

"Welcome Haise and kids.", says her as she hugs them.

K.T : Kuro, Shiro, are you not cold? 
Kuro : Nope, daddy makes sure we wear thick outwear.
K.T : That's good.
S.H : Touka, do you need help?
K.T : Yeah, thanks Haise. Now Kuro..Shiro..sit near the counter and don't disturb the customers, okay?

Sasaki lifts both of his sons and put them on the chair nearest the counter then he helps her meanwhile Touka makes warm chocolate milk for her kids.

Lady : Manager, your kids are so cute!
K.T : Thank you. Kuro..Shiro.. onee-san says both of you are cute. What will you say?
Kuro & Shiro : Thank you, onee-san!!
Lady : OMG! Aren't they so cute?!
Man : Hey kids, don't call her onee-san, she almost thir-

The lady smiles to her boyfriend and punches his stomach secretly until he coughs several times meanwhile Kuro and Shiro are enjoying their warm chocolate. After the store closed, both of Touka and Sasaki checks all of the room then all of them heads to their house. After they arrive, Sasaki takes both of his kids to take a bath meanwhile Touka washes their dirty clothes. Then Sasaki cooks and they have dinner together, the twins fell asleep and they were put on their bed by their parents. Sasaki went to the kitchen and prepares all the ingredients to make birthday cake. While he is cooking, Touka hugs him from behind.

K.T : ...Haise, sorry I can't help you with that. If I help then it will be a disaster.
S.H : Don't worry, Touka. Besides you are tired after works at shop from the morning.
K.T : And you are not? You were teaching too from morning.
S.H : Hehe, even I'm tired..I don't mind it since tomorrow is Kuro and Shiro's birthday. Huff..times sure flies fast, tomorrow they will be five years old soon.

Touka smiles at him and kiss his cheek which makes him blush.

K.T : Oh by the way, the others said they will come next morning.
S.H : That's great! Both Kuro and Shiro like them too.
K.T : Yeah.. I will prepare the balloon and everything else now.
S.H : Yup, thanks Touka.

-28th December-
Both Kuro and Shiro wake up early in the morning then they sneak up to their parents's bedroom.

"Mom! Dad! Wake up!!", shout them as Kuro shakes Touka and Shiro pinches Haise's cheek. Touka awakes first then she help Shiro to wake her husband up.

After they awake, both of them hugs and kiss their dearest kids, "Morning, kids.. and happy  birthday.", say them.

The twins laugh, thanking them, and hug them. After they brushes their teeth and change their clothes, both Haise and Touka bring their kids to downstairs and the twins seem so excited when they see birthday decoration. Shortly, they hear someone ring the door bell and Touka opens it. Their first guests are Ayato, Hinami, and Yomo.

K.T : Morning, Ayato, Hinami, and uncle.
K.A : ...Mmm.
F.H : Morning, big sis..big brother.
Y.R : Morning.
S.H : Morning, everyone.
Kuro & Shiro : Oh! It's Uncle Ayato, Aunt Hinami, and grand uncle Yomo!!
F.H : Hehe, morning Kuro..Shiro..and happy birthday!
K.A : Happy birthday kids.
Y.R : Happy birthday.

They give the presents and they look so happy. While waiting for other guests, Sasaki cooks, Hinami reads a book with Kuro, and Shiro pleads Yomo to carry him on his shoulder. Not long after, they hear another doorbell ring. 

Saiko and the others greets Touka then she invites them to come in. Tooru, Shirazu, and Yoriko give their birthday gifts to the twins and they thanked them.

S.G : I guess we all have gathered here.
S.H : There's still one more guest, he is my college's friend. *doorbell ring* Oh, it must be him. Touka, can you open the door please?

Touka reached the door and open it, the guy with black and yellow hair greets her lively.

N.H : Oh, Touka-chan!! Thanks for inviting me!!
S.H : Hello, Nagachika-san. Please come in.
N.H : Where's Kuro and Shiro? Oh, there they are! Hey kids! Here! Gifts for you!
Kuro & Shiro : Thank you! Nagachika-san!
K.T : By the way, they are my high school friends.
N.H : Hello there~!! My name is Nagachika Hideyoshi, nice to meet you all!

After Sasaki done with cooking and serve the foods on the dining table, all of them take their seats then Saiko and the others start to introduce themselves to Hide. They sing a happy birthday song and let Kuro and Shiro make their wish. After they blow the candles, Sasaki cuts it and give them to the others.

They chatted while enjoying their foods, reminisced about their school life and about their own life now. Takeomi and Yoriko got married before Sasaki, Urie and Mutsuki got married not long after Sasaki, Ayato and Hinami got married a year ago, Shirazu and Saiko already betrothed and they are going to married next month.

N.H : Wait, is that mean that I am the only one who still single? This world is unfair!!
Y.R : ...I'm still single too.
N.H : Oooh!! Comrades!
S.H : Then stop roaming at maid cafe and find a girlfriend instead, Hide.
N.H : Hehe, busted.
K.T : Yoriko, I plan to sell some bread at my shop. Do you want to join business with me?
K.Y : I'm okay with it but Takeomi recently nags me if I work too hard. Jeez~ He is too worry about me. Besides, it just two months..
K.T : Yoriko, you..
K.Y : *blush* Hehe.
Y.S : Really?! Congrats, Yoriko!
Kuro : Mommy? Did something happen to Yoriko-san?
K.T : Yup. She will have baby.

While they chat suddenly the twins tugged Haise's sleeve.

S.H : What's wrong, dear?
Kuro : Daddy, we have a request for daddy and mommy.
S.H : A request? What is it?
Shiro : I and Kuro have one question and one of you must answer it!
S.H : OK! You know, daddy is smart so..there's nothing I can't answer!
Shiro : Really? Promise? You will answer it?!
S.H : Yup. Promise.
Kuro & Shiro : ...Mom, dad.. How to make babies?


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