The Final Test Part 1

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        At home, you find Shadow lounging on the couch with the TV controller in hand, lazily flicking through channels. He looks like a zombie waiting for his next meal to come, instead of seeking it out himself.

        "Shadow?" you tentatively whisper from the living room doorway. The black hedgehog tenses with a thumb pressing down on the up arrow, before releasing it and staring back at you, face set in his usual uncaring expression. Once his attention is focused your way you plead, "Shadow, I need help, really badly...Dr. Eggman has led my friends into a trap and soon they might be killed! He's already torturing them! Please, help me!" A small tear leaks from an eye as your voice rises desperately.

        "You're asking me to help you?" Shadow frowns, turning off the TV. "Surely, you can't trust me that much...or have you forgotten all that had occurred in the past?" He crosses his arms over the white tuft of chest fur, eyeing you indignantly.

        Maybe I shouldn't have asked, you sadly wonder. I guess he wouldn't help unless there was something in it for him. Like power. At least, that's how he was with the Chaos Emeralds. Suddenly, your eyelids snap open. The Chaos Emeralds! Oh, Chaos, of course!

        "You have control over the Chaos Emeralds," you proclaim, pointing at the hedgehog. He raises an eyebrow, awaiting further explanation. "I...know where they are. If we can get to the emeralds, will you be able to help me save my friends?"

        The red eyes widen, only for a moment, before returning to their natural state. Shadow observes your stressed body language with a low, calculating hum. "Foolish child, allowing yourself to grow so attached to others when they may vanish at any given moment." He shakes his head with a sigh. "But, you are persistent, and I have been wasting my days watching mindless television and avoiding outside contact. I suppose I can make an effort to compensate for our past quarrels."

        "...does that mean yes?" you question hopefully. A shiver makes its way through your body as the crimson irises fix you with a chilling stare. I guess that is a yes.

        "Lead the way, (Y/n)," Shadow sarcastically waves his hand, "unless you'd rather prolong that faker's pain." Before he even finishes that sentence, you swing the door open and dash away. The dark hedgehog follows quickly and silently, putting good use to his name.

        It is not long before Sonic and Tails' house comes into view, twinkling along to the flickers of the stars. The garage door is left wide open, evidence of the hasty departure only a few hours ago. You rush straight into it, switching on a light to be able to find what you're looking for, while Shadow looks around in distaste, clearly not enjoying the brightness or immaculate cleanliness of the place.

        Tails had only shown you the secret basement once, but in your time of haste, you are able to relocate the trapdoor easily. Huffing with adrenaline you drag away a table of computers and gadgets which had been keeping the door hidden. After throwing the trapdoor open, and trying not to wonder why this event feels so familiar, you drop down into the depths. Shadow follows close by, landing to the concrete flooring when you are a few steps away from the ladder.

        Again, the familiarity strikes you.

        The room is small and rectangular in shape, but surprisingly clean for a basement. A few random items are pushed to the furthest corners, allowing for more space, and along the left side is a heavy metal box with a keypad bolted to it. Formed from the thickest steel possible.

        "The emeralds," you point at the box, "are in that safe. We just need to find a way in."

        "They didn't show you the combination." It's a statement, not a question, because Shadow already seems to know the answer.

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