Desperately Wanting

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        Night has come. You have grown tired of standing on the balcony, looking out across all those miles that you wish to, but cannot, run across. With the arrival of the darkness and the elongated shadows of the forest, you become paranoid. What if something is watching me right now and I can't see it?! Your body gives an involuntary shiver at the thought. The night brings the cold with it as well. You can feel its icy touch through your (y/c) fur, almost as if it's an invisible hand grasping, attempting to leech the warm life from your body. These thoughts are beginning to cause you discomfort, and the familiar thump-thump of your heart is racing back to greet you. Not caring to stand outside for much longer, you head back inside and reach for the stairs. Your ears perk as you hear yelling from downstairs in the living room.

        "We can't get her involved!"

        "But she can help us! Just give it a chance!"

        "...much too dangerous."

        Both voices are loud and agitated to where you can't tell which words come from either Sonic or Tails. (E/c) eyes lowered to the floor, you step down the staircase and rest yourself in front of the large flat-screen TV. Doing your best not to listen to the heated conversation, you pick up the remote and flip through channels, searching to see if your favorite movie is playing. A sudden ring from the kitchen causes you to flinch in surprise. Sonic and Tails stop arguing as you hear a pair of quick footsteps heading for the phone. The house seems to become much quieter. Shuffles to your left warn you of somebody approaching, and you turn your head to see Sonic standing by the side of the couch.

        "Hey (Y/n), sorry you had to hear that." You shrug then continue looking for (F/m). There is a very awkward silence as you try to ignore Sonic's staring while you become increasingly frustrated with the many TV shows airing. "Want me to heat some leftovers for you?" Sonic asks in a gentle tone. "We've still got some of those sandwiches left."

        Turning your head to face the hedgehog, you give him a thankful nod and watch as he politely smiles and returns to the kitchen, where Tails is speaking on the phone. You notice that Sonic gives wide berth around his friend as he makes his way to the fridge.

        "Oh my baby, I've missed you so much!"

        The sudden exclamation has you very confused, until you notice that it had come from the TV. The image on the screen shows a young girl within the embrace of a man and woman. Their eyes are closed and faces tearstained.

        "I'm so sorry Ma and Pa," the girl cries. "I'll never leave you again. The world is so much more terrifying than I thought!"

        The mother leans down, choking back a huge sob, and begins to kiss her daughter all over the face. The father stands near wiping his tears away with one hand, and stroking the hair of his returned child. They are just like Mama and Papa, you sadly reflect. Tears well in your eyes as the reunited family turn around and head down a path to a charming house. Unlike the girl in the TV, you are unable to return home to a loving family who will greet you with open arms.

        Mama and Papa are gone, and there is nobody left for me. No aunts, no uncles. Both of your parents had been the only children of their family. One pair of grandparents is all that's left of your bloodline, but you couldn't make their old lives difficult by placing yourself in their care. Last you saw, they could hardly take care of themselves, much less a teenage girl.

        Sniffling and wiping your eyes, you grab the remote and change to the next channel. It is a documentary about (f/a)s. You are definitely staying to watch this. A tap on your shoulder catches you off-guard and you let out a little yelp.

        "It's just me!" Sonic is standing behind the couch with a plate of four turkey sandwiches. He begins to smirk from scaring you, but as he hops over the couch to land beside you his face quickly returns to normal. Looking away in embarrassment, you wipe the last of the wetness from your face, trying to appear as though nothing is wrong. Sonic sets the sandwich plate between the two of you and grabs one for himself. Instantly he digs into it; he must not want you to feel uncomfortable by asking why you are crying. You are fine with that. Grabbing a sandwich from the plate, you take an enormous bite and stare ahead at the (f/a) documentary.

        Every now and then Sonic would make some smart remark about (f/a)s, even though he has all his facts wrong. You know way more about the animals than he does!

        When you are down to your last bite of turkey sandwich, Tails comes rushing into the TV room. You hadn't noticed him finish his phone call. He positions himself in front of the TV, forcing you and Sonic to give him full attention. His blue eyes have an anxious glint in them.

        "That was Amy!" he announces. You see Sonic pull a disgusted face, clearly not wanting his friend to continue. Tails gives the hedgehog a disapproving look and continues. "She told me that she had seen Shadow while jogging around town with her friend. Shadow didn't seem too happy... He ran off before Amy got too close."

        The news leaves you astounded. Town!? The nearest town is pretty far away... You jump off the couch with an excited gasp. "Does this mean we can get the emerald now?"

        Tails shakes his head. "Hold on, (Y/n). Shadow might seem to be a safe distance away, but there is always the chance that he can come back." With an exasperated sigh you finish off the last of the turkey sandwich and pace around the room.

        "Hey, c'mon," Sonic says in a teasing manner. "It's not as if the emerald is just gonna unbury itself and walk away." He chuckles at his own joke, leading Tails to slowly shake his head with disappointment. With a glance at you he sees that you are not impressed. Sonic clenches his teeth together in a nervous smile. "Well, look at the time...I think I should be off to bed!" A moment later he has disappeared up the stairs, a slam echoing through the house.

        The orange fox approaches you with a sweet smile. "Hey, he is right you know. The emerald will be fine as long as you had placed it in a safe spot." You give a small nod, grudgingly agreeing that the two boys have a point. Tails quietly laughs and pats your arm before going about the house switching the lights off.

        You don't want to sleep—not yet, but there is no way that you are going to take the chance to search for the gem in the dark with the threat of that black hedgehog hanging around. A light tug on your arm brings you back to reality. All the lights on the first floor had been turned off, only light from the stairwell glows down on you and Tails. You allow the fox cub to gently pull you up the stairs and lead you to your room. With a small wave Tails turns down the hall, switching the last of the lights off as he enters his bedroom. Another quiet sigh and you pull off your (f/c) shoes, throwing them into the corner of the tiny room. You slowly climb into the single bed, pulling the soft covers around your face. Until tomorrow, you think, as darkness slowly shrouds your vision.  

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