The Public

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        Since Sonic and Tails' roof is finished, you have time to wander around the mansion and get familiar with the place. The atmosphere here feels strangely similar to your friends' former home. Once taking a walk-through a couple times, you return to the grand entrance and see Sonic sitting bored on the stair steps. He instantly perks up at the sight of you.

        "Hey, I've got an idea!" he exclaims, waving you over. "Wanna spend the night? It'll be fuunn! Plus," he gets to his knees and gives you a pleading look, "it might be scary all alone in this gigantic mansion..." 

        You roll your eyes and sigh. "No thanks, and Tails will be here anyway."

        "But Tails isn't a big and scary (y/a) who used to live out in the wild," Sonic whines. You still decline. The hedgehog shrugs. "How about going furniture shopping with us?"

        "What, you aren't having a housewarming party?" you answer with a raised eyebrow. Sonic smirks and rubs under his nose with a finger.

        "Nah, that was just for you."

        Great. I'm still never going to be able to pay off everyone.

        Soft footsteps from behind tell that Tails has arrived. He stands beside you wearing a  nice blue jacket. "Hi guys. Sonic, are you ready to go?" The hedgehog leaps up from the steps and gives his friend a thumbs up.

        "Ya-huh! And (Y/n) is comin' with us."

        You are tugged by the arm toward the front doors. But you can't go! What had happened on the news from Aldenwise City...the people of Mobius might remember you! You frantically whimper, "Sonic, wait, I can't!" and tear your arm from the tight grip. The hedgehog and fox stare at you in confusion, before understanding dawns on their faces.

        "You can't hide from the public forever, you know!" Sonic exclaims.

        "I know. But..."

        You feel very conflicted. Should you keep hidden from the world or should you face your fears and wander amongst it? A warm hand is placed on your shoulder, and you glance to the side to see Tails with a kind smile.

        "If it makes you feel any better, you can wear my jacket and some nobody will recognize you." Only a few moments pass as you think this through, and you soon nod in agreement. Sonic quietly cheers while Tails slips off his jacket and hands it to you. While you are pulling it on, the fox leaves the room to find a pair of sunglasses. "Here," he huffs once he returns, and you are given the shades.

        When everything is set in place, you give the boys a nod to show that you are ready. The three of you then head out the double-doors and stroll to the large plane parked outside. Beside you, Sonic snickers and you can feel him hovering near your ear. "You look kinda funny," he whispers.

        A humorless grunt leaves you as a frown reaches your features. The hedgehog nervously chuckles and jumps inside the Hurricane, you and Tails following behind. Seconds later you are all buckled in, and the Hurricane takes off for Emerald Town.

        The jet lands with a jolt atop a flat-roofed building with a helicopter landing pad. Idly you wonder if this machine is even allowed to land here, but the thought dissipates as the glass roof lifts and you, Sonic, and Tails pile outside. Checking your watch, the time says 5:34 p.m. Ugh, so hungry. Even after all that work today, you still haven't been able to eat. Apparently, Tails had only packed enough ham sandwiches for lunchtime, not dinner as well. You don't say anything though, as good things tend to come to those who wait. Or so the saying goes. 

        Sucking in your stomach, you attempt to ignore the empty feeling within. Suddenly you notice that Sonic and Tails aren't even around anymore. Spinning around in a circle, you come to the conclusion that they had just disappeared into thin air.

        "(Y/n)! Are you still up there?" a faint voice echoes from...somewhere?

        You are still looking around, seeing nobody at all on this roof. What the heck? You scratch your head. Oh! Using your speed, you sprint to the ledge of the building and look down. Yup. Sonic and Tails had climbed down a stairwell while you were distracted. Your (e/c) eyes reflect humiliation as you meet the boys at the bottom.

        Time passes by as a blur, and you eventually find yourself standing in the entrance of a restaurant. For the past couple hours, you and the boys had traveled around the town, checking out literally every furniture shop there was. Whenever Sonic or Tails had found an item that they liked, they called in a personal moving van to pick up the piece to take to the house later. Sonic had chosen a variety of odd-looking stuff, while Tails was always reminding him about not going too far above the price range. Building the mansion had taken enough rings out of their pockets as it was. Of course, Sonic ignored him, and soon shopping had begun to take a toll on the speedster.

        "Boy am I starved!" Sonic had exclaimed. "Tails! (Y/n)! You two up for some Chinese?" 

        And that is how you had come to arrive at this Chinese buffet, hours after you would have usually eaten dinner.

        Your little (y/c) body shakes slightly from nerves; you haven't eaten out in a public place for...months! The thought of being confined in a space with many, many people is causing your anxiety levels to rise. Tails tries to calm you down by uttering soft, gentle words. Too bad he isn't helping much. If you weren't so hungry you would just stay outside while the others ate, however, you do end up going inside the restaurant. 

        Sonic and Tails stand in front of you, acting as a shield from the prying eyes of the mobians sitting at the tables and booths. They must be wondering why a young (y/a) girl is wearing shades so late in the day. Before the people can dwell on the thought too much, a waitress shows your party to a booth in the corner of the building. Sitting on the inside of the booth, Sonic slides in beside you, and your back hunches a little to continue staying "hidden." The waitress asks for your preferred drinks and leaves. The three of you are now able to leave the table to gather your own meal at the buffet station.

        "Want me to grab ya some grub?" Sonic leans over in a low tone.

        "I think I got it," you reply through a shaky voice. You're not exactly sure which food items this Chinese buffet offers, and you would rather not be chosen something that you disliked. The hedgehog nods and slips out of the booth with you following behind.

        When your stomach finally gets some food in it, you feel much better about coming into the restaurant. Not too many people are giving you strange looks anymore. Supposedly they've become used to seeing the shades. Looking down at your plate, you lick your lips at the sight of noodles, rice, eggrolls, and many other different kinds of Asian cooking. Although the food is great and you feel more comfortable than before, you still can't help being slightly overcome with the jitters. 

        Sonic notices that you're still a bit nervous so he tries to cheer you up. Taking his chopsticks, he dunks them into a big bowl of noodles and begins to messily slurp them. This only results in you becoming more embarrassed as an older couple sitting ahead of you turn their heads. Across the table you can see that Tails is red in the face as well.

        "Sonic, please stop that." The boy covers his face.

        "Whamt? Um jurst mahkn herm full buttr."

        You snicker a little as Sonic talks through his mouth full of noodles. Your friend swallows the food and aims a victorious smile at the red-faced fox across from him. Rolling your eyes, you try to ignore Sonic for the rest of meal, and instead focus on the delicious food piled on your plate.  

The Speed of SoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora