The Pink Demon

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        Sonic, Tails, and you arrive within a very large neighborhood, fancy houses lining the streets. Sonic leads the way straight into the driveway of an elegant one story house. Although some would call it beautiful, you, however, find the home a little excessive. Even in the dim light of the street, you can see that Amy's house is none other than a hot pink with the door as red as a candy apple. Grimacing a little, you aren't too pleased with the idea of staying within his household for the night. Amy seemed like a strange, off character those couple times you had met her. You can see that Sonic isn't exactly thrilled with the plan as well, even though he had been the one to suggest it.

        Knock knock! The hedgehog leaps away from the door with his hands up, clearly expecting the door to swing open the moment he knocks. Seeing nobody arriving, he looks around sheepishly at you and Tails, scratching at the back of his neck. "Hehe...forgot that she is probably sleeping at this time." After a minute of waiting there is still no sound or movement.

        "Try the doorbell?" Tails advises.

        Sonic nods his head clicks a round, pink button beside the red door. From the other side of the door you can hear the chipper, whistling tune of the doorbell flow throughout the house. A small breeze passes by, causing you to shiver and rub your arms. Thanks a lot, Doctor Eggman, you irately curse the mad scientist. A moment later the door swings wide open.


        You jerk back and almost trip over the doorstep as a pink blur rushes from the house and tackles Sonic. After regaining your balance you just stand and stare awkwardly as Amy squeezes the life out of your friend.

        "Amy...heehh...!" wheezes Sonic as he attempts to pry the girl's arms away. Amy releases her hug with a bright, cheery grin.

        "What are you three doing here? It's the middle of the night!" The pink hedgehog's smile quickly disappears as Sonic and Tails explain your predicament. Amy's hands find their way to her face as her jaw drops in utter shock. "Oh my gosh! That is so terrible... Of course you three can stay here!"

        She reaches for you, Tails, and Sonic, dragging the three of you inside the luxury house. Everything inside is a bright, hot color, as one would usually assume when seeing the outside of a fancy house being a vibrant pink. Amy is just chattering away as if no fire and destruction had taken place that night.

        "There's only one guest bedroom in this house. I had it especially made for if Sonic ever wanted to come and visit me!" The girl's eyes grow wide and flirtatious as she peers at the blue hedgehog. Sonic nervously scratches under his nose and looks the other way, ignoring the long, batting eyelashes. Amy purses her lips and places a hand on her hip. "Hmph. Well anyway, there's a loveseat in the living room that somebody can sleep on. I'm thinking either Tails or (Y/n) can use it."

        You politely nod as Amy pointedly looks at you. In a quiet voice you say, "I guess I'll take the...loveseat." The other girl closes her eyes and nods victoriously, crossing her arms in a proud display. You roll your eyes and give Sonic a look that says "Really? Like, really?" An amused chuckle leaves him as he cautiously eyes the pink hedgehog.

        After that short discussion, Amy latches onto your arm and happily leads the way to the living room, shoving you toward a multicolor loveseat. "Have a good night," she drones out, before switching the lights off.

        You sit on the loveseat, slightly shocked at the instant change of setting. She didn't give me a blanket. Feeling around in the dark, as your eyes slowly adjust to the lighting, you grab onto a heart-shaped pillow and scooch yourself to the end of the loveseat. Then you settle down for the night.

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