Golden Light

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        Just before the heavy trapdoor slams shut, you turn around to see a bright light shining. If you had stayed down in that 'basement' for any longer, you could have possibly been temporarily blinded! Now that the trapdoor is tightly closed, though, no light at all seems to escape. You look down in shock, trying to comprehend what could be happening down there at this moment. Shaking your head you take Cream by the arm to cautiously lead her away.

        I hope he's happy now, the thief! You set the little rabbit down on the couch and begin to pace the room in growing panic. Now that he has everything he wanted...what's going to happen to us? Surely Shadow won't want to keep you and Cream in this cabin for much longer; he has already expressed very much that he doesn't enjoy the company.

        "(Y/n)?" Cream worriedly squeaks. You look up with a confused expression and speedily reach her side. The girl doesn't speak again; she must have just wanted some comfort. Your (e/c) eyes soften and you hug Cream closely. She squeezes back and whispers with her face pressed against your (y/c) fur, "I miss my mommy."

        "I know Cream, I miss everyone too." You gently rub her back.

        You don't know why, but somehow you just know that things will get better. The warm embrace is released and the two of you stare into the dancing flames. Since you had left Shadow with the emeralds, there had been no further sign of him at all. Before your curiosity even begins to blossom, you squash it down with frustrated force. He can do what he wants. I don't care.

        Darkness has arrived, yet both you and Cream refuse to fall into slumber. The inkling of fear continues to torment; Shadow has been silent for far too long... Silently sighing, your (y/a) ears begin to twitch as you hear the sound of an insect buzzing about the cabin. You look around irritably, attempting to spot out the creature that has somehow survived within this hell of ice and snow.

        There's nothing. But you can still hear the buzzing.

        It sounds as if it's even louder now, so you swat at the air around your head in case the bug is hovering around. Cream watches you with a cocked head, half confused and half amused. You turn your head toward the rabbit and stick your tongue out, giving her a glowing, (e/c)-eyed glare. The rabbit snickers a little before stopping and listening intently. She seems to be able to hear the bug as well. You roll your eyes, About time. The buzzing has grown quite loud within the minute. A sudden thought pops into your head.

        "Wait a sec..." The sound of metal sliding on metal echoes from outside. "Oh my god! Can it be-"

        The ground lurches the same moment a muffled thump is heard. You can't hold back the excited squeal of laughter as you sprint as quickly as possible to the front door. Swinging the door open, it comes to a slamming stop against the side of the wall. You could care less. Outside, rising above the many drifts of ice and snow; the Hurricane.

        "(Y/N)!!!" A boy's voice pierces through the intercom of the machine, forcing you to cover your ears. But the smile on your face only grows as the glass top of the Hurricane is lifted, revealing the colors of orange, pink, red, and blue.

        "Come on Cream!" you yell, grabbing the girl's hand without even looking.

        You tug her toward the Hurricane as Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy race past you single file, determination in their eyes. Whipping your head back, you are just in time to see a flash of pink as Amy disappears through the open doorway of the cabin. Your (e/c) eyes reflect confusion and a tad bit of hurt.

        "Hurry, get in (Y/n) and Cream!" Tails screams from the pilot seat of his invention. "We have to be leaving NOW!"

        A strangled noise claws up your throat as you turn away from the snow-covered cabin and run with Cream held in your arms. You approach the Hurricane and narrow your eyes, calculating the distance to jump along with the weight of the rabbit girl. Nodding to yourself, you swiftly launch yourself into the air and land perfectly into the seat behind Tails. Cream climbs your headrest and topples into the one behind. Almost instantly the top of the Hurricane falls down and seals shut with a hiss.

        "Thank Chaos you two are okay!" Tails exclaims, peering behind with a grateful smile. He then twists back around to click and flip many buttons and levers.

        "Tails!" you shriek in panic. "What about the others?"

        Without looking the boy hurriedly explains, "They'll be fine! Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy are staying behind to fight Shadow!"

        What?! We can't just leave them here! your mind screams. Staring out the window, your left ear is cocked to the side as you listen to Tails pull a lever up, while your (e/c) gaze is trained on the dark cabin. A moment later you, Tails, and Cream gasp in pain as a blinding light fills the cabin and spills out of the one visible window and open door. There is the sound of a crash. The light dims into a golden glow that hovers in the sky, high above the wooden cabin that now sports a jagged hole in its roof.

        "Oh no! It's time to go!"

        You yelp aloud as the Hurricane rises into the air. Tremors from below tell you that the robotic legs are being slid back inside the metal body. The engine rumbles loudly as the jet takes off, leaving the cabin behind. Before flying too far you twist your neck back to catch a glimpse of something strange. The golden glow hovering above the cabin has dimmed enough to where you can see it is not just a is a figure. Your (e/c) eyes widen in bewilderment at the sight of the floating creature. Golden fur, red stripes, a tuft of white on the chest. The entity soon disappears into the distance, along with its disheveled hideaway.

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