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        Darkness is just beginning to spread across the sky when you and Sonic arrive home to the beach. The top of the Hurricane comes off, and you jump to the soft sand below. You don't hear an extra set of feet on the ground, so you look up confusedly at your friend.

        "Sorry kid, won't be stayin' long. I just need to pick up Tails... He's probably been waiting a while," Sonic explains. You nod as he asks, "Could you tell Tails that I'm out here?" Leisurely you stroll to the front door and swing it open, calling for the orange fox.

        "Coming!" you hear from within. You watch the boy jog to the door, toolboxes held in both hands. "Thank you, (Y/n)," he says while you hold the door open for him. Before he heads off to his beloved invention, Tails turns around to tell you that everything is set up. Now you are able to use toilets, sinks, and the shower. You give Tails an appreciative smile and wave goodbye as he makes his way to the Hurricane.

        Sonic yells from the pilot seat, "See ya later!" He is returned with a shocked reply from Tails.

        "Sonic! There is no way I'm letting you drive again!"

        "HEY! Spinning upside-down is fun!" Sonic screams in defense. The teen eventually moves to a passenger seat and allows the young fox to drive. The two of them take off with a thundering rumble; however, you are able to hear your stomach over the sound.

        Just now you are realizing that you are starving. As the lights of the Hurricane ascend into the sky, you speed into the house and search through the refrigerator. There aren't any leftovers, so you check the freezer as well. A large pepperoni and sausage pizza lay at the bottom. Pizza! Licking your lips you pull the frozen pizza out of the freezer and set it atop the kitchen counter. Then you set the oven temperature. You are much too hungry to wait for the oven to preheat, so straightaway you unwrap the plastic from the pizza and set it in the middle rack. It will take about twenty minutes for the pizza to cook.

        With an impatient huff you walk into the living room and approach the large windows. Apparently it is now raining outside. You are confused since you hadn't noticed any dark clouds when you flew back home with Sonic...but then again, it would have been too dark to see clouds anyways. You check the fancy grandfather clock in the corner of the room; 7:45. Your stomach growls at the thought of such a late dinner. You return your (e/c)-eyed gaze to the window and stare at the rippling ocean.

        A light knock disturbs you from relaxation. At first you are confused, but then assume that either Sonic or Tails had come back. Perhaps Tails had forgotten some of his tools. As you make your way to the door, your suspicions seem to be proved correct; the spiky shape of a hedgehog lay in wait on the other side. Crap! Sonic must be getting super wet... You twist the handle and swing the door open, only to freeze in shock.

        A dark hedgehog stands near the doorway with his head hanging, black and red quills drooping from the rain. He has multiple wounds spread across his body, some of them seeping a red liquid through the large scabs. His eyes are closed. The surprise begins to wear off, however you are extremely uneasy at the sight before you. Shadow sighs and opens his eyes. The crimson orbs find your (e/c) gaze, but you aren't as intimidated as you would usually be. His eyes seem dull and pained. You realize that you had never seen such a defeated creature. Shadow's gaze adverts from yours as he mumbles in a low voice.

        "Surely you thought me to be deceased, but I'm afraid I'll be around a while longer."

        You wonder if you should close the door. This might be an act... For all I know, he could attack me any moment! The grip on the door handle tightens, and you are just about ready to slam the door close. You stop though, seeing as Shadow sniffs the warm air wafting from inside the house and begins to sway from side to side.

        Confusion written on your face, you gulp back the nervousness and quietly ask, "Are you...okay?"

        Shadow grunts and rasps in a weak voice, "That doesn't matter. Why I'm here—" The oven alarm rings from the kitchen, cutting him off. The hedgehog angrily shakes his head at this interruption and tries to start again. "I—Gah...damn." He gasps in pain and stumbles against the doorway, a gloved hand holding his left side. A chilling, drawn-out groan leaves his throat. The dull crimson eyes close as Shadow uses his right shoulder to prop himself against the doorframe.

        Aw shoot... You grit your teeth in confliction. It seems you will have to either help this broken man into your home, or leave him at your door to suffer. With your face growing nervously red, you hustle to Shadow's uninjured side and wrap an arm around his shoulder. Shadow doesn't protest as you struggle against his weight to carry him inside. After using your foot to close the front door, you guide the male to the dining room and seat him at the table. Then you quickly rush to the oven and take out the pizza, fortunately not overcooked. Glancing back, you can see Shadow's back through the cabinets and cupboards of the kitchen.

        He has his forearms on the table, leaning against them in silent agony. Your (e/c) eyes reflect pain in them as well; pain at seeing such an intimidating being turned broken and defeated.

        Quickly, you turn back to the pizza and slice it with a pizza-cutter. You grab two clean plates from a cupboard and place a pizza slice on each one. Then you creep to the dining table and set a plate in front of the hunched figure, before sitting straight across from him. Shadow lifts his head, a sliver of confusion discerned from within his red irises. You look down at your plate and start to eat your pepperoni and sausage pizza, avoiding his gaze. It feels strange to see anything other than a stony expression from the black hedgehog. Your (y/a) ears twitch forward slightly, listening as Shadow carefully picks up the pizza and takes small bites.

        A few wordless minutes later you hear a rough sigh, "I'd understand if you hated me. You have all the reason to." You continue to avoid eye-contact, and take a sudden interest to the fluffy pizza crust, nibbling on it. "(Y/n)." Lifting your eyes, you see Shadow looks quite gloomy. "(Y/n), I apologize for everything I've put you through." He finishes the last bite of pizza and stands up, pushing his chair back across the wooden floor. "Thank you...for the meal. I'll show myself out now," he rasps, turning around and leaving as quickly as possible.

        You blink once, and then leap from your seat to chase him. Upon turning the corner to the entryway, you can see that the hedgehog is already in the doorway, about to shut the door behind him.

        "I forgive you," you say in a timid voice.

        Shadow stops, his back facing you. You can't see his face, so you can only guess what he must be feeling. A sigh leaves his mouth, and he slowly closes the door, shutting him outside. You rush to the door and swing it open, and are met with an empty view.

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