Hill Top Zone

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        The mountains tower over the land of Mobius, gazing down on the beautiful, colorful landscape. Vibrant green hills and escalating cliffs dot the area, giving these mountains an almost exotic appearance. The highest tips of the land are just tall enough to poke through the fluffy cloud-cover. You have arrived at your destination: Hill Top Zone.

        "Ain't it a beaut?" Sonic's cheerful voice breaks the serene silence. You quietly hum your agreement, (e/c) eyes still scanning the view. "What about you, Knuckles? Glad you came?" The hedgehog sniggers and peeks over his shoulder. After Sonic had his fun with spinning the jet, the echidna had become quite silent. Getting no reaction, Sonic shrugs and returns to the control panel, preparing to land. Once the Hurricane is carefully parked atop a flat, green cliff, Sonic leaps out of the pilot seat and races a few meters away, instantly being followed by a red blur.

        "Get over here, blueberry, and let me beat some sense into you!" Knuckles shouts.

        You climb out of the Hurricane and lean against it, watching with amusement as the boys run around. A spiky blue ball suddenly rolls your way but jumps over you just as it's about to make contact. It lands on top of a large boulder just a few feet away, unraveling to reveal the grinning hedgehog.

        "Can't catch me, slowpoke!" he taunts, waggling his butt in the air and sticking his tongue out at Knuckles. The echidna growls out a number of threats, a few of them bizarre enough to make you laugh out loud. A spiky fist points accusingly in your direction.

        "Don't you even start!"

        Ears flat against your head, you cower behind the large boulder that Sonic is standing on. The boy smirks and shrugs, a look that says, "What can you do?" He then jumps away as soon as Knuckles comes at him with a flying fist.

        A short while later, Knuckles calms down and the three of you are finally able to explore Hill Top Zone. It's so beautiful up here, you gaze around in awe. It's pretty windy, too. You yelp in surprise as a hand grips your shoulder and harshly pulls back.

        "Careful, (Y/n)!" Sonic cautions. "You almost walked right off that cliff!" Looking down, you can see that he is right. A steep drop-off lies before you, descending many stories down the side of the hill. Oh, Chaos! How did I not notice that?

        "Th-Thanks," you stutter in shock. The hedgehog chuckles and lightly pats your back, then he points a finger above the cliff's ledge. There is a long cable connecting to a pole, stretching to the other side of the chasm. A strange platform-looking object is resting against the pole, seemingly ready for use.

        "That's our ride to the other side," Sonic states with a grin. Without another word, you are hefted up to the platform, quickly followed by Sonic and Knuckles. Instantly the floor starts to move. Chink! Chink! The cable above you makes metallic clinging noises as the platform descends away from the cliff and over the drop-off.

        "We gotta get the timing right to jump off this thing," Sonic's voice rapidly explains. "Otherwise, when the platform breaks off the cable at the bottom...we're gonna die." You look to Sonic in horror as he chuckles. Knuckles just rolls his eyes and bends his knees, prepared to leap to the other side of the cliff. Seconds later you notice land approaching closer and closer.

        "Get ready, guys!" Knuckles gruffly shouts. Panic is quickly rising within you, but you do your best to squash it down. Taking a slow, deep breath, you narrow your eyes and concentrate on your destination. Annoyingly, Sonic begins a countdown. He's trying to lighten up the mood, despite seeing how it obviously isn't working.

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