Social Butterfly

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        For the rest of the night, you don't sleep. Instead, you stay awake cleaning up the house and fixing the many scratches on the walls to the best of your ability. You aren't sure of what to do about the ruined furniture and the ripped blanket, though. What you definitely don't want to do is throw out that blanket Sonic had given to you. Maybe Amy knows how to sew, you wonder. She would seem to be the type of person who knows those things. With the idea set in your mind, you will wait until morning arrives before calling Amy.

        Hours later, the sun begins to rise. Although you had stayed up mostly the entire night, surprisingly you still find yourself wide awake. Perhaps last night's "visitors" put your defenses into overdrive. 

        You walk into the kitchen and head to the refrigerator, which has a few yellow sticky notes stuck to it. During the time with your friends, you had managed to gain a few of their phone numbers, and you'd written those numbers down to never forget. Taking a sticky note labeled with Amy's name, you grab the home phone and begin to press the numbers written down. Once you hear a ringing through the phone, you set the note down and wait for someone to answer.

        "Hello?" a voice picks up at the second ring.

        You nervously swallow and say, "Hi, Amy."

        "(Y/n)! I didn't expect you to ever call me! How are you? Did you visit Sonic? TELL ME HE'S STILL ALIVE!" You pull the phone away from your ear at the shriek, wincing in pain. Slowly you bring it back and listen for any more oncoming outbursts.

        "Sonic's fine, I was just wondering if you know how to sew," you mutter.

        "Sew? Why?" Amy asks.

        You tell her that your (f/a) blanket has a few tears in it—nothing to actually worry about. Of course, you leave out the fact that Metal Sonic had broken into your home and torn it to shreds, along with the rest of your home. After all your friends have done for you, it would be terrible to cause them more worry and pay for the expenses of the damage. You need to figure this problem out for yourself.

        "I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not actually that great of a seamstress. But, I know who is!" Amy says excitedly. "Vanilla knows how to sew together any type of fabric! How about you head over there? I'll come too! I haven't visited Cream in a while."

        You voice your agreement and hang up the phone. It would be nice to visit the young rabbit girl as well. Ever since returning from Shadow's cabin, you've actually been avoiding her. You just feel like you failed the girl and her mother. Shaking these thoughts off, you run into the bedroom and seize the blanket from the bed. It is held tightly to your chest as you speed out the front door, leaving it hanging on its hinges.

        A familiar yellow-brown house arrives into view after countless times tripping over the large blanket. You sigh in relief, desperately hoping that Vanilla will be kind enough to fix the tears for you. Hefting the blanket high off the ground, you lumber to the front door and lightly press the doorbell. The beautiful chime of bells echoes on the other side. An ear swiveling back, you can also hear that Amy has arrived within her small, eco-friendly vehicle.

        "Hi, (Y/n)!" Amy yells out the car window.

        You turn around and give her a welcoming wave, which she returns. The pink hedgehog is definitely becoming a friend. At least, she isn't as menacing anymore when the both of you are near Sonic. 

        The squeak of an opening door startles you for a moment before you twist your head around and see a rabbit woman standing in the doorway with a kind smile. "Why, it's so good to see you again, (Y/n). And Amy, too!" Vanilla speaks with a warm voice. "My little Creamy was wondering when the two of you would visit. Please, come in."

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