Gathering the Team

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        "What happened?"

        This is Tails' question when a blue hedgehog and a sullen (y/c) (y/a), come knocking on the garage door. The little fox boy grits his teeth and glances worriedly between his friends, noting the tensed muscles and uneasy expressions.

        "We've got a pretty big problem, Tails," Sonic sighs and looks to you, expecting a few words to be added. When you shake your head, he knows that the explanation is all up to him. The hedgehog turns back to Tails. "Okay, so," he begins. "(Y/n) and I saw something crazy just a bit ago..."

        All the events of the past few hours are restated, bringing back unwanted memories. You do feel a bit bad for making Sonic tell what happened, but after what you had witnessed, your vocals seem to tighten in complete refusal to utter a single word, almost as if knowing that making one small noise would result in a total breakdown. And that would definitely be no good, especially when now is the time to be as strong as possible.

        "We should have expected Eggman to pull something like this," Tails interrupts your thoughts, his tone laced with worry. "I hope her grandparents haven't been gone for too long. Otherwise..." he uncomfortably clears his throat. "But luckily there is a way for us to get to his base!" he suddenly exclaims, blue eyes wide as if he just remembered something. "Yes...yes! We can take the Tsunami. It's upgraded and fully tested. Accident-free, guaranteed!" Tails gives a little jump and a kick, like a small bolt of energy just coursed through him.

        "Does this mean we're gatherin' up the team, buddy?" Sonic asks with a smirk at the boy's behavior. When he is answered with a rapid nod, he balls his hand into a fist and punches the air. "Oh, yeah! It's about time Team Sonic gets together for a little base-smashin' action! I'll call Amy right now an' tell her we're gonna swing by to pick her up." A blurry blue line is all that is left of the hedgehog as he zooms out the garage and into the house.

        You watch the door slam shut in confusion. Team Sonic? you wonder in a daze, not exactly up to speed with the conversation since you had tuned out most of it.

        "Hop in the Tsunami, (Y/n)!" Tails yells while motioning outside to where the dark blue plane is parked, since it is much too large to fit inside the house's garage which is considerably smaller than the gigantic workshop back on the ocean-side cliffs. "I promise it is completely safe and the windows are thoroughly sealed, unlike last time..." he falters, and you grimace, not entirely convinced. "Just...come on!"

        He takes your hand and pulls you outside and up the steps of the door to the Tsunami. You are then plopped into a seat near the front of the plane, disturbingly close to where the window accident had occurred. As you strap yourself in, a strong gust of air flows down the aisle, followed by a high-pitched teen's voice saying, "Tails, we're all set to go! Amy'll be waitin' for us to pick her up, so we'd better get a move on." 

        Sonic sits down in the co-pilot seat and buckles in within a second, afterward, tapping his fingers on the dashboard impatiently. During the time it takes for Tails to get the engine revved up, the hedgehog turns around to give you an encouraging thumbs up and smile. "Don't worry too much. With the five of us against the Eggbrains, there's no way we can be beat!"

        The entire plane rumbles and shakes as the engine is switched on. With a silent gasp, you grasp at the armrests on each side of your seat as the grass and trees begin to move outside the porthole. Soon it is all just a green haze, which you close your eyes against. Blurry movement isn't unfamiliar to you at all since you are one of the speediest creatures on the planet, however, when the blurriness is accompanied by the thumping and shaking movement of a giant plane...

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