Stay or Go?

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        The sun is quite low, a glowing ring of orange and red-orange spreading across the sky, when you and Sonic finally reach a house. The two of you could have run all the way here, but Sonic knew that you were still a bit touchy, and he didn't want you to feel as if you were being taken against your will. Not as if you would have noticed anyway. During the entire walk you had on a dazed expression as you had considered all the terrible outcomes that your choice could lead to.

        "Home sweet home!" Sonic waves his hand up, showing off the building before you. And my, is it beautiful.

        The structure before you shines with pristine white in the light of the setting sun. Built part-way into the side of a hill, this house seems as if it belongs to the richest being on Mobius. Maybe he is rich! you wonder, awed at the sight. However in the back of your mind you can hear a little voice warning of the many dishonest reasons for riches. This thought is instantly forgotten as the young hedgehog gently tugs you toward a red-stained wood door.

        "My buddy Tails and I live here, but he's out at the moment. Probably building somethin' in the workshop...or somethin'."

        You feel slightly nervous about the thought that there might be someone else here, but you decide that Sonic seems to be nice, and that you trust him enough to enter his home. The long walk with him jabbering the whole way convinced you that he is very comfortable and understanding in the presence of strangers. Yes, he seems alright, but you don't want to have to rely on his friendship. Not like the last time. Your eyes water a little at the memory of an unreliable friend, and how she had left along with everyone else as you cried for your lost parents.

        As you walk through the doorway to the beautiful home you raise your free hand to wipe the tears away before Sonic sees. Once your eyes are clear, you let out an audible gasp. A quiet chuckle beside you tells that Sonic has noticed. You can feel him watching as your (e/c) eyes whip back and forth in their sockets, taking in the view.

        All the walls are white. They surround the edge of the very, very open room that you now stand in. There is almost no furniture to this room, just a beige, two-seated couch which is set straight across from the door, and the large flat-screen TV that it faces. Like dang, that TV is huge! To the right of the couch are stairs that lead up to the next floor. To the right of that is a hallway. You can only see one of the doors in it from where you stand. Turning your head in a sharp angle, you see stairs leading down to the house's garage. The left side of the large room, other than a smirking blue hedgehog, has nothing but a tall archway leading to the rest of the house.

        "Come on (Y/n), surely you've been inside a moderately elegant home once in your life. Enough gawking!" Sonic tuts and leads you through the archway.

        You arrive in a cute little kitchen lined with red-stained cabinets and flooring that contrasts with the house's light-tan carpet. Ushering you past the kitchen, Sonic then recommends you sit at the dining table. You take a seat with your back against Sonic and the kitchen so you wouldn't be awkwardly staring at him when he cooked. With your ear cocked to the right, you hear that Sonic has returned. He stands at the end of the dining table in a light blue apron that reads "KISS ME. CUZ I'M THE CHEF." Your lips involuntarily smile as you read the message. Sonic then takes out a small note paper and a pen.

        "Good day to you ma'am, what shall you be having this fine evening?" He's got one eye closed and a huge smile that's only getting larger as he tries to keep a straight face.

        "Waiter, I'd like some (f/f) please," you respond with a shy smile. The waiter appears to scribble your order on his piece of paper. He then gives a great bow and leaves the table to prepare your meal. From behind the chef doesn't notice as your whole body shakes, keeping in a laugh that so desperately needs to be let out. Your eyes are shining as, for the first time in four months, you are actually happy.

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