The Second Interrogation

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        "Get up, me. Just get up." A low moan leaves you as sleep is blinked from blurry eyes. "Just...get up." 

        After much protesting, your muscles finally comply with your halfhearted demands. Your body brings itself up into a sitting position on the bed, still not exactly wanting to leave the warmth of the bedcovers. And get out of bed. Bunching up your muscles, you then throw yourself out into the cooler air of the bedroom and dance between two cold, bare feet. Maybe you should have gotten a carpet instead of this wooden flooring! 

        Trying to ignore the slight shivering of your body, you pull on a fresh set of clothes and rake your fingers through the fur on your head. Today is the day that the Chaotix return for further questioning about yourself and you must be at least a little presentable! Your mind then shifts to the not-so-welcomed-anymore guest who has been staying in your home. He better not listen in this time!

        You leave the room with the determination of making sure the dreary hedgehog will not hang around for the interrogation. First, you check his bedroom, which turns out to be empty. From sniffing the air, you come to the conclusion that Shadow had left the room a few hours beforehand. There is still the possibility that he may be scowling over a glass of iced tea in the dining room, whilst reading one of his mysteriously-appearing newspapers. Not wanting to drag out the search any longer, you zip through the house and come to a screeching halt next to an empty table. With high hopes, you check the living room as well to find that Shadow has completely left the area. Thank Chaos! I can finally eat at my own table.

        Over a bowl of tasty cereal, you constantly whisper to yourself, "Rosemary, Rosemary. My name is Rosemary (Y/a) and (Y/n) was my friend." You pound these words into your brain, not wanting to accidentally slip up and reveal the truth about yourself to the investigators. A few drops of milk spill from your spoon as your arm shakes while taking a bite of cereal. The nerves are slowly catching up to you, and you must find a way to calm yourself down before the Chaotix arrive. I wish Sonic was here, but I must do this myself.

        Breakfast lasts quite a while, but eventually, you finish with a queasy stomach. There are a few hours until lunchtime, the planned time in which the interrogation will resume. You don't know what to do until then. Perhaps you should clean the place? Yes. Anything to keep your mind off of your impending doom. 

        Heavy steps echo off the walls as you rush about, searching for various activities to keep yourself busy. You wash dishes, sweep and mop the floors, clear off the table and counters, even scrub out the bathtubs and toilets when there was nothing else left to do. Panting from the excursion and building nerves, you finally cease cleaning to listen to the growls of your stomach. 

        With a glance at the clock, you can see that it is close to noon. The noises in your stomach continue to erupt in a raging mob of hunger, forcing you to return to the kitchen. Silently, you pull a loaf of bread from a cupboard and start to create a stack of ham sandwiches. The beating of your heart slows down as the time passes by. The last sandwich is placed on a platter and set on the table when there is a fast-paced banging on the front door.

        "Rosemary! Oh, Miss Rosemary, we are here!"

        "Cut it out, Charmy!" a raucous voice bellows. You are at the door within a second, pulling it open to allow the three detectives inside. "How ya doin', kid?" The light glints off Vector's jagged teeth as he gives a friendly smile. (E/c) eyes never leaving those teeth, you nod to show that you're fine. Then you walk into the dining room with the company following, gesturing at the table to offer the platter of ham sandwiches. "Don't mind if I do!"

        Vector lunges for the sandwiches and steals away two, shoving them straight down his gullet as he plops into a chair. Charmy Bee giggles and swoops over the table, snatching a sandwich from the pile before landing beside his leader. You sit across from the trio as Espio takes his seat, ignoring the meal. With an arm stretching out, you are just about to take the last ham sandwich from the plate—however, Vector beats you to it. No lunch for me, you sadly sigh, belly gurgling in protest.

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