Race Around Mobius

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        "(Y/n), I am super, super sorry for that." Sonic scratches at the back of his neck, emerald eyes downcast in shame. "That really was a close one... I think they almost found out about you."

        "Yeah. I can't stand the thought of going back," you nod with a grimace. The two of you return to the kitchen when your stomach growls, since you hadn't yet eaten breakfast. While you are preparing yourself a quick meal, Sonic jumps into a chair and leans back, his red and white shoes resting on the dining table. You roll your eyes at his disrespect for the furniture that you—he and Tails—had bought.

        "Hey, what's in this?" you hear Sonic question. 

        Turning around with a bowl of oatmeal in hand, you see the hedgehog sticking his nose above the tall glass left on the table. You shrug, heart fluttering a little as he sniffs at the discolored liquid inside. Then he takes a sip. No! You close your eyes and bite your tongue to keep yourself from screaming aloud. Why did you have to taste it? The blue hero of Mobius doesn't know that he had just shared germs with his enemy. "Tea!" Sonic coughs, pulling away from the drink. "You drink tea?"

        "Uh, no..." you mumble, avoiding eye-contact.

        "Then what is this doing here?"

        "I don't know." 

        With the oatmeal bowl still in your grasp, you launch yourself into the dining area and snatch the glass of iced tea away from Sonic. He looks at you with a goofy smirk on his face, as if he had caught you doing something wrong. Ignoring him, you pour the beverage into the kitchen sink and set the dirty glass on the counter. You then sigh in exasperation, rubbing at your temple with one hand. The boy laughs as you deliberately turn your back on him to finish eating breakfast.

        "I have a great idea," Sonic prances around once you set the empty oatmeal bowl near the sink. "We should have a race around Mobius! That oughta be a way to see who truly is the fastest one around!" Race around Mobius? Heck yes! Giving a huge, enthusiastic nod, you point out to Sonic that first, you need your athletic shoes on. "I'll wait outside," he says with a thumbs up.

        "Okay, thanks—" He has already zoomed out of the house. You sigh and tread into the bedroom, where you had last seen those (f/c) shoes. After retrieving them you return to the hallway and lean against the wall, balancing yourself to tie on the shoes upright. There is a flash of red caught in the corner of your eye, and you look up to see Shadow outside the guest room. You drop your shoe in surprise, taking a step back from the intimidating hedgehog. I thought he left out the back door!

        "So, the little (y/a) has a secret?" Shadow's crimson eyes glitter in dark curiosity. You don't say anything, instead, resolving to give him the stink-eye. Not only had this guy stayed in your home, he had eavesdropped as well!

        "Do you have to hang around?" you growl with narrowed eyes.

        "I like it here. This is far cozier than that forsaken cabin." Shadow strolls past you in the hallway, and you have to press up against the wall to put as much distance between the two of you as possible. He then turns into the kitchen, where you can hear him grunt in displeasure. 

        Just then, you remember Sonic waiting outside. Better hurry, you think. Swiftly you crouch to the ground and pull on the (f/c) shoes to tie. Then you jump up and make your way to the front door. As you pass by the kitchen you take the time to peek in, to be sure that Shadow isn't destroying anything. He's not. He's just sitting at the table again, sipping from a new glass of iced tea. Before the hedgehog can even glare back, you pull yourself away and slip outside, where Sonic is shuffling around in uncontained impatience.

        "Why do you always take so long?" he groans. "I thought you were the second fastest creature on Mobius!" You ignore that remark. "Well, follow me! I'll show you where the race can start." Sonic zooms off, leaving a long blue blur trailing behind. Not a moment later you take off as well, following his tail. 

        Sonic leads the way to a large, open field, only about 20 miles away from the ocean. He then explains that this is the start, and the race's end will be Emerald Hill Zone. "You have to run all the way to the other side of Mobius, then turn around and come back," Sonic says, his excited expression morphing into one more serious and focused. You nod with determination and bend your knees in preparation of the race. "Good luck, (Y/n). Now...1...2...3...GO!" The race is on!

        After Sonic utters that last syllable, you take off like a rocket. Sonic does as well. He is racing along right beside you, eyes narrowed and a crooked grin to accompany. With lurching limbs the two of you fly across the land, leaving (y/c) and blue blurs and foliage swinging violently in the breeze. Over hills, through forests, and around lakes. All the while side by side; neither of you able to surpass the other. Eventually, you come to the turning point—a great canyon.

        This is where things change, you consider grimly. You enter the beautiful canyon filled with reds, oranges, and yellows. Sonic moves closer so he doesn't bump into the narrowing walls. Now's the time! Without warning, you shove the hedgehog to the side with a pointy shoulder. He yelps in surprise before tripping on a rock, causing him to tumble head-over-heels. You slow down just a little to laugh in victory, before speeding away.

        "So, you like to play dirty, huh?" you hear his voice growing faint with distance. Up ahead the canyon twists around in a U-turn; the furthest point of the race. You are so concentrated on reaching your destination that you don't hear the sound of rolling. Sonic spin-dashes into your back, sending the both of you skidding across the sandy ground. "Works every time!" The boy zooms around the corner of the canyon, out of sight. Huffing, you heave yourself to your feet and sprint after him. You'll show that hedgehog who's a winner! There is no way he's reaching Emerald Hill first!

        Pushing with all your might, you break out of the canyon and travel in the direction of the finish. The land is similar to the first half of the race, with just a few different obstacles. A city flies by, a forest... Soon enough you see a large river rising over the horizon. And stopped at that river is Sonic the Hedgehog. We can't swim, you remember worriedly. There is only one way to defeat this obstacle without taking the long way around. Jumping! 

        The option doesn't sit too well in your mind, but you must push aside all feelings to win this race. Adding a spring to your step causes you to increase in speed until you are a sound wave among the air particles. The rushing water approaches, and you leap. You land to the other side with no problem at all. Spinning around you see a blue dot across the wide river, flailing his arms about in anguish. With a grin you wave back at him, waggle your butt in the air, and stick your tongue out. Then you continue on to win the race. 

        Hah! I am faster than Sonic himself! Heavily panting, you drop into Emerald Hill's luscious grass. Now to wait for the second fastest creature on Mobius.  

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