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        "Mmm, what's that amazing smell?!"

        Sonic dashes into the kitchen with his nose lifted high into the air. He sees you and Tails at the stove, cooking something that is making his teenage hunger rage. You hear him zip across the kitchen and see a long, black nose poke over your shoulder.

        "No, don't look!" you cry, pushing Sonic's head away. The hedgehog takes a few steps back, eyeing the stove that is blocked by yours and Tails' bodies. He licks his lips.

        "Can't wait!" You turn back to your cooking as Sonic takes a seat at the dining table. Soon after, with the help of Tails, you are able to prepare a decent-looking meal of breakfast sandwiches, and it is set on the table. Right away Sonic snatches one of the sandwiches from the platter and bites into it. "Mmm, pretty good. Other than the fact that the sausage is half raw, but it's not bad."

        Oops, you inwardly slap your forehead. Though the meal is slightly uncooked, both you and Tails still eat it. When your breakfast sandwich has been consumed you tell your friends that you will be heading home. Sonic waggles his finger from side to side. "I don't think so, Miss (Y/a)." 

        You sigh and roll your eyes at the hedgehog. "Sonic, I'll be fine. I won't jump into any oceans."

        "Uh huh. Sure you won't." He crosses his arms and gives you a stern look. "I've made it my new goal to keep a watchful eye on you. No distractions this time! There's no way I'm gonna sit by and wait for the news that you've gone and fallen off a cliff or something."

        A quiet growl emits from deep within your chest. I can take care of myself! Why does he always act like I purposefully get myself into trouble? I've lived in the wilderness for 4 months with no problem...until he came along.

        "Sonic, she's not a little kid, you know," a boy's voice wakes you from your angry mind-rant. 

        "I know that, Tails!" Sonic lifts his arms in an exasperated gesture. "Which is why (Y/n) and I are gonna go out and do some 'grown up' errands...while you stay behind and fix up the house, eh buddy?" Tails rolls his eyes and jolts as a ring reverberates around the room. "I got it!" Sonic screams and sprints to the phone on the kitchen counter. 

        Maybe I can use this as a chance to escape, you think, slowly rising from your chair. I didn't agree to go on any errands anyway! 

        Before you can even begin to creep to the doorway, Sonic slams the phone down. "Looks as if we have a change of plan—" he stops when seeing you up from your seat. With a nervous smile, you place your rump back down. "...apparently, Eggman is about to launch an attack on the mayor of Emerald Town!" With a low voice, he adds, "Finally some action. Let's go!"

        Fighting Doctor! What about all the times that you had failed? Your first mission...? Surely your friends don't actually mean for you to come and fight as well.

        "What are you waiting for, (Y/n)?" Sonic asks while standing at the entrance of the kitchen. It seems you are to tag along. You hesitate, and the hedgehog's face softens. "Don't worry, you'll do fine. It's time to take justice back!"

        Nodding, you follow him through the house and out the front doors. Outside, Tails is already taking off in the Hurricane; you can hear its mechanical whirring and the blast of the jet engine. Sonic turns to you with a wink and a thumbs up. He runs off in the direction of civilization with you following close behind.

        You arrive in Emerald Town in less than a minute. Tails is still far behind and will most likely be a while since he is to pick up Amy as well. Sonic slows down to a trot and you follow suit. He scans the town with narrowed eyes, a gloved hand rubbing his chin. "Hmm, the mayor would usually be in the City Hall...but at this time is most likely off for brunch. How about we check out the Greene Café?" he looks to you.

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