Meet the Doctor

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        You are held in place inside the net-cocoon as the giant robot spider creeps lower and lower into the dark hole. It is pitch black. Only the glowing red eyes of the baby spiders show that you are not alone. With every step your heart-rate increases, threatening to burst from your chest in fear. Closing your eyes, you begin to take very quick, very deep breaths. I CAN'T BREATHE! It suddenly feels as if your lungs are not taking in oxygen, as if they don't work anymore. The air comes in empty, and there is a sharp pain in your chest. You are having a panic attack. Red eyes stare at you in empty expression, neither caring nor curious as to why the young (y/a) is hyperventilating.

        A sudden lurch causes you to deeply gasp as you are jerked forward on the giant spider's abdomen. The many tiny silver babies scatter, uttering shrill cries that chill your bones. Hearing loud scraping noises, you then see light shining from under you. The spider robot had opened another sewer hole connected to a ceiling. It leaves behind a sticky glob of web in the hole as you feel yourself falling. The light is blinding. You scrunch your eyes closed since you are unable to cover them with your hands.

        A clank followed by a judder tells you that the spider has landed on a hard floor. You squint your eyes, searching out your surroundings as you continue to adjust to the harsh light. They open wide in confusion. You have landed in a very large room. The flooring is a metallic grey and white lightbulbs are suspended from the ceiling. However, what have caught most of your attention are the walls. They pulsate with a variety of red shades, switching from dark to light in strange swirls. The colors seem to flow about the room, making it feel as if you are inside a beating heart.

        Little chitters catch your attention and you look up at the countless tiny eyes staring into your soul...and then Mama Spider begins to march its way across the red room towards a large metal door. You are shifted backwards as the spider reaches up with one of its eight metal legs, aiming for a lever set into the wall beside the door. A quiet click is heard as the lever is pulled down, and the giant metal door slides open. With an ambling gait the spider turns into a long hall, bright fluorescent lights illuminating the way. You don't care to try and see where you are headed. You just know that whatever happens is going to be bad. With frightful hesitation you are beginning to accept your fate.

        Silver flashes by in your peripheral vision. Snapping your head to the right you are just in time to see a silver blur as it disappears around a corner, accompanied with the sound of metal on metal. Were you being watched? The clanging footsteps echo from the hallway as they grow more distant. The spider continues on, oblivious to its surroundings. You can only lie on your back, unmoving, as you gaze at the glowing red splotches on the ceiling passing by. Suddenly a sharp pop comes from the ceiling, causing your body to involuntarily twitch in surprise. A dreadful, scratchy voice reverberates throughout the hallway.

        "Welcome home my lovely spidey!" The voice sounds smug, and somewhat...familiar. "What treat do you have for me this time?" It is clearly a man speaking, and he sounds quite excited. You are much less than excited, unsure of what he means by "treat." A cold shiver crawls its way up your spine. Did he mean me? You whimper, squeezing your limbs together to try and make yourself seem smaller.

        The robot spider finally comes to a stop after so long. Looking around from your position, you can see that you have arrived to another large room, however instead of red walls everything is a shiny silver. From lying down you can also see a figure standing only a few feet away. Black shoes and pants, a red and white zip-up lab coat, pristine white gloves. Held in one of the gloves is a silver remote with many buttons. You are unable to see the face since the many baby robot spiders are blocking your view. But from the egg-shaped body and long legs, you can tell that the figure is a human. You haven't seen very many of those.

        "Hoo hoo hee hee!" a boisterous laugh fills the room. You stare with wide eyes as the large belly of the man jiggles up and down with each sound. "Looks like we caught ourselves—wait a second. Who is this (y/a)?"

        The hand holding the silver remote lifts out of your view, and you can hear a click as one of the buttons is pressed. Almost instantly the tiny robot spiders scuttle off of your body and scatter about the room, disappearing into hidden passages. With a couple long strides and heavy steps, the human approaches and grabs onto the net that you are entangled in. Using one arm he hefts you high into the air, and you dangle inches away from his face.

        "You're neither Sonic nor any of his pesky animal friends!" the man complains in a loud, disapproving voice. You keep quiet as he continues to hold you near his face, staring in fright at his gleaming dark-blue glasses. Your eyes then wander to the impossibly large orange moustache perched above his lip. The man notices you gawking and he raises an eyebrow. Placing his remote in a pocket, he takes out his now-free hand to stroke his facial hair. "Are you liking the 'stache?" he jests with a raspy voice and angry blue eyes. When you don't answer he gives a wicked chuckle. "The poor dear is a bit shy now, isn't she? Bocoe! Decoe!"

        At his call a short silver robot and a tall gold one rush into the room with clanking steps. "Yes doctor?" one of them questions in a high robotic voice.

        "Why not give our guest a proper welcome?" the tall man roughly pushes you into the two robots' arms. He then turns around on his heel, hands behind his back. "Maybe we can use her later..." he mutters, walking away.

        The robots seem to know exactly what the human meant. With a knowing glance that only lasted a second, the two get a good grip on your net and make for the door in haste. An angry sigh comes from behind as you exit the room. Before the large metal door has time to fully shut, the robots have already taken you halfway down the hall and turned to a stairwell heading down. Why, why did I have to leave Sonic and Tails? you ask yourself. A single tear leaks from your eye and drips to the cold metal floor below.

        The two robots have stopped rushing now. They stroll at a leisurely pace, chatting to each other. You completely ignore them, lost in your own thoughts. After a while you come to a stop when the robots need to open a door. Once the door slides open you are carried into a very dark and damp room. Seeing the many cells lining the walls, you assume that this must be a dungeon. Each cell consists of a small hole to go bathroom in, and a single, rough wool blanket. A sad whimper emits from your throat. Never had you thought that you would be placed behind bars.

        With slow, deliberate movements the two robots unwrap you from your net-cocoon and place you in the cell nearest to the door. Immediately you slump to the floor as a hopeless wreck. With your back to dirty wall you curl up and hold your knees, avoiding eye-contact with the robots outside.

        "Aww!" the silver robot cries. "It's such a shame Doctor Eggman has us imprison everyone."

        The gold robot nods his head, giving you a tender glance. "I know...isn't she so adorable?!"

        Both robots crowd at the bars of your cell staring at you with adoration and regret for having to put such an innocent creature in this nasty prison. You try to hide behind your knees, face burning in fear and shame from the gazes. Quickly glancing up and back down again, you were able to spot the expressions of sadness on the robots faces.

        "BOCOE! DECOE!" a scratchy shriek pierced through the room, coming from an intercom on the ceiling. It causes you to jump up in fright, your ears lying flat against your head. "You two blundering bots get to the control room immediately!" A pop sounds and the terrible voice is gone, along with the silver and gold robot. Now you are alone within this dungeon. And what's worse, the lights have gone out.  

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