A New Friend

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        Sonic drops to both knees and groans in pain, clutching at his ankle. You run to the hedgehog's side to comfort him, assuming that he had either sprained or broken his ankle from the long fall. You aren't exactly sure of what to do, so you just crouch beside Sonic and set a hand on his back to keep him balanced.

        "Do you need to go to a hospital?" you ask, eyeing the swollen lump under Sonic's gloved hands.

        "Nah I'll be fine," he gives a strained smile. "I know Tails will take care of me. By the way, where is my little bud?" 

        Shrugging, you look into the sky and see a long, silver shape growing closer and closer. "Here," you state. After a few moments pass, the Hurricane lands to the roof with a thump. Both Tails and Amy leap out of their seats and race in your direction.

        "That was amazing!" Tails exclaims. "Maybe this time we actually defeated Metal!" He clasps his hands together in pride, a large smile set on his face. Amy purses her lips and looks at the fox distastefully.

        "Hopefully we defeated Metal," she grumps. "I can't believe Eggman would do that to you, Sonic!" The pink hedgehog jostles Sonic into an enormous embrace, accidentally including your arm.

        "Amy, wai—Ow!" 

        The hug is instantly released as Sonic cries in pain. Amy gasps and covers her mouth. "I-I'm so sorry! We need to get you to a hospital right now!" Sonic shakes his head and waves the girl away.

        "No hospitals," he firmly says. Tails sighs and walks to Sonic's side. He places an arm under his friend's armpit as he hefts the hedgehog up. Sonic stumbles a bit but quickly regains his footing. "Thanks, buddy," he smiles.

        The blue hedgehog and orange fox slowly make their way to the Hurricane, eventually being pulled to their seats by Amy who is perched at the edge. She notices you staying behind and becomes confused. "Aren't you coming, (Y/n)? Surely we're going to have a celebration after all this nonsense!"

        Sonic's eyes are wide and pleading, begging for you to come with them. You shake your head. You just feel like going home after this never-ending "excitement." Plus, after spending all day yesterday and today with friends, you are desperately needing some alone time. 

        Tails twists around in the pilot seat and gives you an understanding look. "See you later, (Y/n). You're welcome to come over anytime," he waves.

        "Bye," you wave back to your friends, then head for the rooftop staircase to descend the skyscraper. While climbing down you hear the sound of a jet taking off and see a large shadow pass overhead. Upon reaching the bottom of the skyscraper, which had taken you about ten minutes of travel, you get a strange urge to check out the body of Metal Sonic. You carefully walk around the building to the spot where you know the robot had fallen from the roof. Stopping, you scan the grounds in confusion, seeing no broken robot. Had someone already moved its body? you wonder. 

        Leaning down for further inspection, you trace the line of the dent in the asphalt with your finger, feeling the groove of impact. A few hardened drops of silver scatter the area, so you know Metal Sonic indeed had been here. There are bluish scrapes along the ground as well, making you wonder if something else had happened. Could that robot have really dragged itself away? Looking around once more, you frown and shake your head. There is nothing you can do now. 

        The sound of distant footsteps snaps you out of your concentration, and you see the townspeople slowly beginning to leave the safety of their homes and businesses. You've better get going before anybody recognizes you. Heaving a sigh, you then speed out of Emerald Town in the direction of home.

        You race through the forest with the fresh air flowing through your lungs. A distant roaring alerts you of an oncoming river, and you suddenly realize how thirsty you are. You yearn for the cool, clean water of the river as opposed to the well water that fills your sink at home. Being on Mobius, there really isn't a worry for pollution anyways. Steering yourself off-track you head toward the sound of the river. Rushing water soon comes into view, causing you to lick your drying lips in anticipation. Gradually you come to a halt and drop to one knee at the river's edge. With cupped hands, you dip them into the water and bring them to your face. You close your (e/c) eyes and sip the liquid, enjoying the fresh, wild taste. After a short while, you are refreshed and hydrated. A moment later you feel a gentle nudge on your side. Turning your head, you are pleasantly surprised at the sight of a (f/a) looking at you with wide, friendly eyes.

        "Hey there," you softly say, happiness building up within your chest. The animal seems as if it has been in need of some love and affection; it nudges your hand with its nose, asking for physical contact. You gladly give it, petting the (f/a) while muttering kind words. The (f/a) whines in complaint as you suddenly cease petting and you stand up. I should probably be getting home, you think to yourself.

        "Bye, (f/a)," you wave at the creature and start to head home.

        Instantly the animal leaps to its feet and follows you. Maybe this time you will go slowly for it. Smiling, you jog the rest of the way to the beach with the (f/a) right behind. By the time you reach the house it is early in the evening. You go inside through the back door but turn around to see the animal staying outside. It won't come in, it's a wild animal. That's alright with you. You walk back outside and sit with your back against the house, leaving the door wide open. For a while, you just sit with the wild (f/a) and pet it. You will not force it inside or name it because the wilderness should always stay wild. You can't take the freedom of this creature.

        Later in the day, the (f/a) breaks away from your gentle strokes to sniff around the property. It's as if the animal is storing the scent of your home within its memory. Trotting back to you, it makes a noise, which is supposedly a goodbye.

        "Goodbye," you murmur as the (f/a) leaves into the forest.

        "Seems you got yourself a new friend."

        The unexpected voice makes you jump, and you look around to see Sonic standing above you. He's leaning against the doorframe with a cocky smile and one hand behind his back. You also notice that the hedgehog is now sporting a white cast around his injured foot.

        "Uh," you stammer while eyeing the cast. "Aren't you supposed to be celebrating...?" How the heck did you get here in a cast? you inwardly question, not exactly wanting to ask it to Sonic's face.

        The boy laughs. "I did, hours ago! Didn't ya notice the time?" You look up at the sky and see the stars are out. "Anyway," Lowering your head you see Sonic shuffling his feet with a little blush on his face. "I just wanted to see you again. Here." He pulls his hand from behind his back and reveals a (f/c) flower. You sluggishly reach up to retrieve the flower. Then you stare at him with (e/c) eyes opened wide in shock. Sonic nervously twiddles his thumbs and a wobbly smile crosses his lips. "W-Well, I'll see ya!"

        He hops away on one foot to the beach, where apparently, the Hurricane is parked. The machine must have been set on silent-mode when traveling here. You smirk at how funny Sonic looks hopping across the shore. He quickly glances back and sees you staring, his demeanor becoming panicked and embarrassed. As quickly as possible he throws himself into the pilot seat and takes off.  

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