Convenience Stores

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Walter: ok everybody, before we go in, look at me.

-everybody looks at him-

Walter: Don't touch nothing, don't breathe on nothing, don't look at nothing, cause you ain't getting nothing. Matter fact, have your eyes closed. And if you get in there and lose your mind, and I do mean, your whole mind. I'm killing all of y'all, it's ok cause I don't like the way your hair coming in anyway EJ. I'm still young, I could go to jail, get out, and find 4 more of y'all. Repeat what I said Prince

Prince: you told us to not touch nothing, don't breathe on nothing, don't look at nothing, cause we ain't getting nothing. Matter fact, have our eyes closed.......I gotta question

Walter: what is it?

Prince: how we supposed to walk, if we got our eyes closed?

Walter: do you want to stay in the car!? Repeat the rest.

Prince: you said if we get in there and lose our minds, and you do mean, our whole minds, you will kill all of us. It's ok tho, cause you don't like the way EJ hair growing out anyway..and your still can go to jail..come out..and get 4 more of us...

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