chapter 32

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Sadly I didn't get any art for this last chapter-)

Heyyyyy this is the last chapter of this book- and I know you'll all hate it- cause I suck at writing~ but here we goooo!!~~))

It took nearly a days worth of debating and talking with the council of ricks to reach an agreement. It took accommodation from both sides to finally reach peace.

It's been years. 

Years since you were able to normally talk to a Rick. 

Though, you still don't know where your Rick is. Not that you really want to see him at the moment, which was understandable.

According to the Council some Ricks did not like the agreements made in the name of peace and broke off from the Council. They said not to to worry they would be easily tracked and taken off the threat radar. So you didn't worry too much about that. 

The other (y/n)s were overjoyed about the fact that you actually managed to do it. 

You won against the Ricks!

Your sister from another alien sister congratulated you on your victory for your people. It felt good. Having something go right for once. This was good. 

You chuckled as Nurse brushed through the long side of your hair. 

"Do you really need to do this?" You laughed as she raked the brush through it again 

"Well if you're not gonna properly brush your hair I have too!" She scolded with a laugh 

You laughed as she finished and your cheek was nuzzled by Bee. You smiled softly and adjusted the dress you were wearing. 

It was a celebratory party, to celebrate the new peace between the two Councils. The (y/n) castle was alive with the buzzing joy of (y/n)s rushing about getting ready for the party.

You were tempted not to go, but it wouldn't be classy if the Leader of the Council of (Y/n)s did show up. You glanced at the clock as the time ticked down to when you had to take your girls in to the party.

You did a once over of yourself in the mirror and smiled. It's time to go.

The party and your a appearance was going well so far. You smiled softly at all of the (y/n)s that chose to reunite with their ricks. It was a cute moment, even if it sent a pang to your heart.

You jumped when a slender hand was placed on your shoulder, you looked at the Councilmen that placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Head up to the podium and give that speech you said you prepared." He hummed a little distracted as his eyes scanned over the crowd 

You nodded a little and made your way through the ricks, many of whom didn't care that you were there and more so cared about finding their (y/n), to get to the stage. 

You had prepared a speech earlier for this event. You knew enough that your sister would find you soon after and you'd share drinks and laugh. 

Though you didn't expect the strange dejvu you got when you walked up to the podium. You felt like you've been in this situation before, or at least one similar to it. 

You were distracted from that though when most attention was on you. You couldn't blame those that didn't pay attention fully to you. You really couldn't.

You chuckled and started your speech with a smile. You didn't notice the shifting in the belcony across from you. Though you did notice when you were shoved out of the way and hit the stage.

"Hey what the fu-" you stopped midsenstence seeing a rick stumble back onto his ass gripping at his staining shirt 

Your eyes widened as the party soon descended into chaos. Though the rebel ricks were taken down as you scrambled over to the Rick on his ass.

You pressed a hand over his still bleeding wound as you heard him chuckle, confused you looked up at his face meeting his dark blue gaze.

He smiled a little, "Not how I wanted us to meet again..." 

your brows shot up, "Rick? My  Rick?" 

He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah..." 

He heaved a hard breath as you pressed your hand harder into the wound, "I'm sorry...." 

"For what? Ruining a part of my life?" You hissed 

He chuckled softly and glanced away nodding, "Yeah..." 

you sighed a little 

He sighs, "I'm not gonna make you forgive me, but I just want you to know I regret my actions." 

You didn't immediatly respond but kept pressure on his wound.

You hummed softly as some medics ran over, "saving someone's life is a good way to start regaining trust." 

He smiled a little at you and nodded.

Life was at least looking up a little. 

Even if the plane is on fire.


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