Chapter 10

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(Art by me) ((also in gonna start posting art every chapter, so it will either be mine or someone else's))

(~C-137~ Rick pov)

"Awe geez Rick d-do we have to wear t-t-these?" Morty asked pulling on his fake Rick council suit

"Yes Morty." I stated pulling something out of my pocket, "Also put this on, so I can know which Morty is you." I adjusted my collar, "Now there was a call to the council from a little outpost on the edge of D-467. There was something about a distressed (y/n). So that's where we're going." I stated shooting the wall with my portal gun, "let's go."

We walked through the portal and several council members were already there. Two of which were sitting on a bench wrapped in blankets and bleeding out of some place on their heads.

"Awe geez Rick what happened?" Morty asked from beside me

"That I don't know." I said my hand slipped into the inner pocket of my shirt, where my flask lay and found nothing there

That's right I stopped filling it as I've been doing nothing but search for (y/n). Several Ricks walked out of the outpost with a variety of shocked and confused looks on their faces. On quickly ran up to the one in the hat.

"T-t-t-the whole p-p-place is stra-striped clean." He said, "there was also s-spray painted on the wall '(y/n) council motherfuckers'. W-with t-t-t-this." He handed him a can of spray paint

"T-t-thIS is getting weirder by the minute." The Rick with a hat said rolling the paint can in his hand, "RICK D-417! DO YOU HAVE THE VIDEO FEED FEOM THE CAMERA UP AN RUNNING!?" He yelled towards a rick reading a news paper

He just flipped a switch and the holographic video soon fizzled to life. It pulled up a video of several individuals, most definitely (y/n)s move into the building. Once they reached the common room one instantly took change and started pointing to different sections of the building and sending (y/n)s there. They each responded with different versions of 'Yes Boss.' and disappeared through the doorways the camera remained on the dominant (y/n) as it followed her through another doorway none of the other (y/n)s had taken. She came upon a monitor room. She paused and ran a hand over the long side of her hair and dug around through the top part of her bag. She lifted a small semi-circular object.

"Let's see if this works like you said it would L." She said aiming it at one of the monitors

A bright orange beam shot through the center and hit the monitor shrinking it. She laughed loudly and did the same to the other monitors and shoved them all into her bag and pulled the wires away and shoved them in there too. She walked out and paused at a blank wall. She called one of the (y/n)s by a weird name 'Paint' a (y/n) poked her head out. I watched as the dominant (y/n) spray painted the message then underlined it and walked out the camera following her.

My eyes widened as the dominant (y/n) brought the bat down on the Rick. He collapsed to the ground and before the other could do anything the bat was swung at his face. Suddenly the camera shook and edges of fingers smudged the lens. The camera was handed to the dominant and her canines poked out as she grinned.

"Good. Ya see Council." She said in a mocking tone as she jerked the face planted Ricks head up, "We raided your outpost." She released the Ricks head and rose up, "Look at my face. Remember it. Because it is the face that is owned by the the (y/n) who will destroy the world you know. Remember it. Memorize it, cause it won't be the last time you see it." She dropped the camera and the feed cut off

All the Ricks were in shock as they stared at the black screen. I was in shock myself. Their becoming more powerful. I really need to find my (y/n) before she gets even more hurt than she already is. The Ricks were scanning all of the (y/n)s face all of them could be identified except for the dominant (y/n). Her features matched no one. Not one (y/n). She looked like a (y/n) and is a (y/n). Just her half buzzed head and scar that traced up her face couldn't place her anywhere in the systems.

"I found something!" A rick shouted running up with a bag that had a tag that read 'for the Council of Ricks'

"Well open it." Commanded a Rick

My eyes widened even more than I thought possible. The bag was filled with small white blood stain tags. There is no fucking way. There was a card that was pulled out. It was hand made and the front was blank, they opened it. I read 'HAHAHA won't be needing these anymore without love, (y/n) council.'

This couldn't be good. Our world was gonna be shook by the roots and demolished. The (y/n)s are rising. Without fear, for the first time the Ricks looked worried about what the (y/n)s will do.

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